Jellyfish, Monkey Head, and M35 Star Cluster
Image Description and Details : Here is my latest photo taken night before last in the back yard. It is featuring the Jellyfish in HOO palette , the Monkey Head in SHO palette , and Star Cluster Messier 35 in RGB. The nebulosity was captured using narrowband filters that only let specified wavelengths of Sulfur, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. The stars were captured with color separate filters for Red Blue and Green. I used a Rokinon 135mm camera lens at f/2 and an ASI294MM dedicated monochrome camera.
20 x 60 seconds of each L R G B 36 x300 seconds Oiii 24 x 300 seconds Sii 16 x 300 seconds Ha
Shot Flats for all filters this morning and used my darks library. Stacked and Processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop. EZ soft stretch Starnet Automatic Background Extraction Background neutralization Save separates as Tif’s for Photoshop Copy S H and O in to RGB color channels and work levels and curves. Adjust selective colors to reduce green and pull the Hubble gold color forward. Contrast Brightness adjusted Saturation adjusted. Resize down to 2,048 pixels wide. Topaz denoise and upload.
I am still learning Pixinsight. I used selective colors in Photoshop to attempt the Hubble palette colors evident in the Monkey Head. Finally I resampled to 2048 pixels wide for sharing as a Jpg and did a topaz denoise. Hope you enjoy it.
Copyright: Abe Jones
AAPOD2 Title: Jellyfish, Monkey Head, and M35 Star Cluster
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