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January 2023, 2023 Jason Matter January 2023, 2023 Jason Matter

Monkey Head Nebula

Image Description and Details : NGC 2174 / Sh2-252 - The Monkey Head Nebula, located about 6,400 light-years away in the constellation Orion.

Celestron 11” Edge HD with .7x reducer at f7. Celestron OAG with 174mm guide camera, CEM 70 mount, ZWO 2600 mm pro, ASIAIR pro+, ZWO 7 x 36mm EFW, ZWO EAF, 5 min subs shot with Chroma 3nm filters in SHO palette. 9 hours total. Processed in Pixinsight. Shot from my backyard, bortle 8.

Copyright: Richard McInnis

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2022, November 2022 Jason Matter 2022, November 2022 Jason Matter

The Monkey Head Nebula

Image Description and Details :

NGC 2174, also known as the Monkey Head Nebula, is an emission nebula home to active star formation, and is about 6400 light years from Earth.Nearly 7 hours of data, RASA 8, ASI071 MC PRO, ASIAIR PRO, Radian Triad Ultra Quadband. EQ 6-R ProBortle 6

Copyright: John Quinn

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2022, January 2022 Jason Matter 2022, January 2022 Jason Matter

Jellyfish, Monkey Head, and M35 Star Cluster

Image Description and Details : Here is my latest photo taken night before last in the back yard. It is featuring the Jellyfish in HOO palette , the Monkey Head in SHO palette , and Star Cluster Messier 35 in RGB. The nebulosity was captured using narrowband filters that only let specified wavelengths of Sulfur, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. The stars were captured with color separate filters for Red Blue and Green. I used a Rokinon 135mm camera lens at f/2 and an ASI294MM dedicated monochrome camera.20 x 60 seconds of each L R G B 36 x300 seconds Oiii 24 x 300 seconds Sii 16 x 300 seconds HaShot Flats for all filters this morning and used my darks library. Stacked and Processed with Pixinsight and Photoshop. EZ soft stretch Starnet Automatic Background Extraction Background neutralization Save separates as Tif’s for Photoshop Copy S H and O in to RGB color channels and work levels and curves. Adjust selective colors to reduce green and pull the Hubble gold color forward. Contrast Brightness adjusted Saturation adjusted. Resize down to 2,048 pixels wide. Topaz denoise and upload.I am still learning Pixinsight. I used selective colors in Photoshop to attempt the Hubble palette colors evident in the Monkey Head. Finally I resampled to 2048 pixels wide for sharing as a Jpg and did a topaz denoise. Hope you enjoy it.

Copyright: Abe Jones

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2021, June 2021 Charles Lillo 2021, June 2021 Charles Lillo

Monkey Head Nebula

A true winter target, not exactly fitting for Summer solstice, today it’s the longest day of the year.

However it’s about time to finish with my last winter images, to make room for the summer nebulae to come, so here it is.

And although the data was gathering digital dust, is was a lot of fun to process in the end, lots of tiny details and vibrant colors.

The Monkey Head Nebula, NGC 2174, is a HII emission nebula in the constellation of Orion. It’s guesstimated to be located at a distance of 6,400 light-years from earth.

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2021, March 2021 Jason Matter 2021, March 2021 Jason Matter

NGC 2174/2175

Image Description and Details :

This picture is made in my remote observatory in Extremadure in spain (E-Eye) with my CDK 14" Planewave and its mount L-350. Sbig STX 16803 LRVBSHO. During the 26/12/2020 untill the 18/02/2021 Autoguding 3" and AOX use . 27h10 total. 7*600" in R, 7*600" in G,15*600" in B 28*1200" in Ha, 38*1200" in O3.Luminance is a synthetic picture issue from the stacking of all RGBHaO3.For all I use MaxPilot with the Sky X, and the Planewave interface.All the treatments are realised with PixInsights and Photoshop

Copyright: Dr Jean Olivier CAMMILLERI

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

The nebula of the head of the monkey in HOO

Image Description and Details :

Located in the direction of the Orion constellation about 1600 light-years, its apparent size is slightly larger than the full moon.the monkey's head nebula or simply NGC 2175 is an emission nebula that emits in different wavelengths mainly in HA but also in Sii and Oiii.In the center is the star catalogued HD 42088 which emits a strong ultraviolet radiation that ionizes the gases in the vicinity.In addition to ultraviolet radiation, this star emits powerful stellar winds that shape the nebula's gas cluster, helping to create several pillars (visible in the image) that form a star nursery.Technical data:- Takahashi fsq 85 F/D 3.8- iOptron cem60 ec mount- Zwo asi 1600 mm cooled pro- 130x300s HA : 10h50min- 145x600s OIII : 24h10min- 30x3x60s RGB : 1h30 min- Total integration: 36 hours 30 minutes- DOF: 27x101x35- Date: January 2021- Location: Ben Slimane MAO Observatory, Morocco.

Copyright: Aziz Kaeouach

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

The Monkey Head Nebula - NGC2174

The monkey head nebula - ngc2174 is an emission nebula located in the Orion Constellation. It is associated with the stellar cluster ngc2175. It was given this name as you can see well from the photo, the face of a monkey.
I decided to process this photo with the Hubble Palette technique, and therefore, with fake colors to highlight better the emission areas of the various chemical elements that compose the nebula.

Optolong Astronomy Filter

Technical Information:

Telescope: AIRY APO 130T
Mount: Paramount MyT - Software Bisque
Room: qhy9
Filter: Optolong H-A 7 NM, oiii 6.5 NM, be 6.5 NM
Frames: H-a: 32 x900s -- oiii: 32 x900s -- SII:32x900s
Total Integration: 24 Hours
Software: SGP – TheSkyX – PHD2 – DSS -PixInsight – CS6
Location: Noventa di Piave (Venice) 4 meter above sea level – ITALY

Environment Temperature: About 2°C

Relative Humidity: 88%

Date: 29.12.19 - 30.12.19 - 31.12.19 - 01.01.20

Copyright: Francesco Battistella

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