AAPOD2 Image Archives

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Ced 51

Ced 51 is an interesting juxtaposition of dark and light, containing dense dark nebula in the foreground abs curing portions of the greater hydrogen nebula flowing in red. Right in the middle is an active star forming region birthing new bright blue stars. Part of the greater lambda orionis ring (head of orion), this nebula complex is approximately 5000 light years from earth in the constellation of Orion, the hunter.

Technically, this was a challenge as to do the area justice, we shot a 4 panel mosaic to frame it right.

Imaging System: Planewave CDK14, Paramount ME2, FLI 16803/Chroma filters; Stellarvue SV130, Paramount Mx+, ZWO ASI533MC

Exposure – LHa/OSC, 42.7 hours

Location/Date - Fort Davis, Texas / December 2020

Credit/Copyright – Good Astronomy/Steve Timmons

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Wishing Well Cluster

Image Description and Details :

Imaging telescopes or lenses: Astroworx® 12 F4 Truss Tube NewtonianImaging cameras: QHYCCD 600M ProMounts: ioptron CEM60-ECGuiding telescopes or lenses: Astroworx® 12 F4 Truss Tube NewtonianGuiding cameras: QHY5L-IISoftware: Starkeeper.it VOYAGERFilters: astrodon RGB Gen2Accessory: Nexdome ObservatoryDates:Feb. 17, 2021Frames: 40x120"Integration: 1.3 hoursAvg. Moon age: 5.36 daysAvg. Moon phase: 29.11%Data source: Backyard

Copyright: Diego Colonnello

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

M51 - Whirlpool galaxy

Image Description and Details :

M51 is an interacting galaxy, in the constellation Canes Venati. It is one of the most beautiful example of spiral galaxy, and quite easily observed for an amateur astronomerTechnical data :Newton SkyWatcher 200/1000 EQ6-r proASI 2600 MC proComa corrector Baader MPCC Mk IIIAutoguiding OAG + ZWO ASI 290mm miniZWO EAFASIAIR Pro69*300" : 5h45'Gain 100 - Temp -20°CProcessing PixInsight + Photoshop CC

Copyright: Yann Mevel

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Pickering 's triangle

Image Description and Details :

Taken in the South of France , near Ventoux mountain, Newton 300mm F4 with the ZWO ASI6200, mix SHO and RGB starsMosaic of 2 panels in SHO and RGB stars:178 Halpha subs @300s gain 100 and -15°C99 OIII subs @300s gain 100 and -15°C20 Blue subs @60s gain 100 and -15°C20 Green subs @60s gain 100 and -15°C20 Red subs @60s gain 100 and -15°CTotal exposure 24h05

Copyright: Arnaud Peel

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Messier 101 - The Pinwheel Galaxy

Image Description and Details :

A spiral galaxy 21 million light-years away in Ursa Major. It is evaluated containing a trillion of stars and it is estimated twice the size of our own galaxy. The image is taken with a SCT C8 and SX694 mono camera in RGB (4 hours per filter). Processed by Pixinsight.

Copyright: Copyright: David James

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

NGC4517 in Virgo

Image Description and Details :

NGC 4517 is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Virgo. This field is rich in galaxies and if you take the time to peer around you will find many lurking about in the background. The main galaxy in the image displays a quite noticeable dust lane down the center and blue areas which are most likely groupings of young hot stars. NGC 4517 is about 40 million light years from Earth. The galaxy across to the right between 3 and 4 o'clock is NGC 4517A. NGC 4517 in the center of the image is an edge on spiral and NGC 4517A across to the right is a face on spiral galaxy. The two of them make for a fine display.Technical Details:Title: NGC4517 in VirgoObject: NGC4517Photographer: Rodney WattersTelescope/Lens: Tak TSA120 @ F5.6Camera: QSI683 WS8Filters: Astronomik R, G & BExposure: R = 53 x 600” ; G = 33 x 600” ; B = 31 x 600”Total Exposure: 19.5 hoursImage acquisition: Sequence Generator ProProcessing: Pixinsight 1.8.8-5

Copyright: Rodney Watters

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

ISS Solar Transit

This image shows the transit of ISS over the Sun captured from Bengaluru, India on 29-Jan-2021. The transit was captured at 60fps - so you can actually estimate the transit time by counting the number of stations you see - roughly 39/60 of a second. All frames of the station have been merged with a stacked image of the sun from the same video as the station capture (50% of ~9000 frames).Equipment: iOptron CEM25P, GSO 6 Inch F5 Newt, Baader Solar Filter, Nikon 1 J5Software: PIPP, Autostakkert, Registax, Gimp

Copyright: Vineeth Kaimal

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Tadpoles and Flaming Star Nebulae

Image Description and Details :

The Tadpoles Nebula (IC410) and Flaming Star Nebula in the Constellation of Auriga.I took this HaSHO image last week on a very rare almost clear night. In fact it was the clearest night in northern Vermont since last July!. Rather than completing some earlier projects I thought I’d shoot something entirely new, and go for these subjects as they (almost) fit on the same frame at 620mm focal length..The Tadpoles Nebula is so called due to the two light colored tadpole shaped dust and gas clouds that look like they are swimming upwards to the center of the nebula. These are star forming regions, similar to the famous “Pillars of creation” imaged by Hubble in the Eagle Nebula.To get an idea of scale each tadpole is 10 light years long!, more than twice the distance the earth is from its nearest stellar neighbor, Proxima Centauri.To the left is the Flaming Star nebula ( IC 405) which surrounds the variable star AE Aurigae. AE Aurigae is a “runaway” star ejected from gravitational perturbations in the Orion Nebula more than 2 million years ago.Its interesting to note that although these two nebulae appear close together the flaming star is 1500 Light years distant, whereas the Tadpoles Nebula is 12,000 lightyears away and over 100 light years across.This image is processed in the “Hubble Palette where red is aligned with Sulphur emissions, Green with Hydrogen , and Blue with Oxygen .Tech Data : Celestron RASA 11”, CGX Mount, ZWO ASI 6200MMPro cooled (Mono) camera.Ha 12 x 5min, OIII 18 x 5 mins, SII 9 x 5 mins, darks, flats, bias framesSoftware: Stacked in DSS, Processed in Pixinsight and PS 2021

Copyright: Richard Whitehead

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter


Image Description and Details :

30x600 '' with Ha filter (1x1 binning).
24x600 '' with SII filter (2x2 binning).
24x600 '' with OIII filter (2x2 binning).

Equipment: QHY9, TS 65 Quadruplet (f / 6.5), EQ6-R and Lunático autoguiding.

Software: Astrophotography Tools, PHD Guiding 2.6.5, PixInsight 1.8.

Place: Nerpio, Albacete (Spain).


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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Pythagoras Crater

Pythagoras Crater is at the center of this field of view and is a prominent impact crater located near the northwestern limb of the Moon. It has a diameter of 80 miles and is 16,400 feet deep. The prominent central peak rises just over 4,200 feet and is casting a very long shadow that appears to just be touching the western wall of the crater. The rim is well-preserved and the terraced walls are quite apparent. Captured Jan 26 during a full terminator imaging session at 20:28 during the 97.3 % waxing phase. To the southeast is Babbage and to the northeast is Anaximander.Celestron CPC Deluxe 1100 HDAltair IMX174 MonoZWO Filter Wheel - Green Channel FilterX-Cel 3.0 BarlowPrimalucelab Eagle 2 Pro

Copyright: Gary Varney

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2021, 2021 Monthly Winners, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, 2021 Monthly Winners, February 2021 Jason Matter


Image Description and Details :

RECORDING DATA:Object: NGC 1333Date of recording: November 2020Distance: 1,000 light yearsExposure: 144 x 300 sec. (Total 12 hours)Calibration: Darks / Flats / DarkFlatsMount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PROTelescope: Lacerta Fotonewton 250/1000Corrector: Lacerta GPU coma correctorFilter: Astronomik L2 UV-IR Block 2 ″Camera: QHY268c @ Gain 0 at -15 ° CGuiding: ZWO OAG with ASI 120mm-s and PHD2Software: APP / Photoshop CC

Copyright: Daniel Nimmervoll

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

NGC 2030 & Friends

Image Description and Details :

Lying within the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy to ours around 158,000 light years away in the constellation of Doradus, this rather chaotic but beautiful nebula complex presents an Ha and O3 rich tapestry of colourful nebulae and star clusters. This is a natural colour palette image (I.e. an LRGB image augmented with Ha and OIII narrow band data) comprising 17 hours of data.

FOV: 39.2 x 26.2 arc-minutes @ 0.59 arc-seconds/pixel.

Telescope: Officina Stellare ProRC 360

Camera: SBIG STXL 11002M, AOX and FW-8G

Mount: Paramount ME

Luminance: 12x15 minutes (binned 1x1)Red: 8x15 minutes (binned 1x1) Green: 8x15 minutes (binned 1x1) Blue: 8x15 minutes (binned 1x1) Ha: 10x30 minutes (binned 1x1)O3: 6x30 minutes

Copyright: Marcus Davies

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

The Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius

The complex cloud displays an unusual combination of both red emission and blue reflection areas as well as numerous intricate dark patterns. The nebula is located 9000 light years away in the direction towards the galactic centre. The entire area is sprinkled with thousands of stars and fainter dusty and nebulous areas throughout. A separate prominent dark cloud appears dramatically silhouetted against the starry background to the right.A curious example of gas evaporation can bee seen near the core of the Trifid itself. Here a dense stalk, 8 light years from the centre, is emerging from the edge of the bubble surrounding the central cluster, and in the other direction a powerful stellar jet from a young star, HH 399 embedded in the gas, is shooting out in an upwards direction. The bright young stars in the central cluster emit strong radiation which eats away the surrounding gas and dust. The stalk only appears because a denser region lies at its very tip and protects a thin strip of the cloud from this interstellar erosion. The Hubble Space Telescope has imaged this fascinating area in high resolution: http://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/.../hs-2004-17-a-print.jpg. Throughout the nebula lies countless young T Tauri stars just having emerged from their birthplaces inside the gas and dust. These are typically rather faint and reddish, though they are more easily visible in this image of another stellar nursery near AntaresImage details: Date: May - September 2020Exposure: HaLRGB: 270:916:190:190:195 mins, total 29 hours 21 mins @ -25CTelescope: Homebuilt 12.5" f/4 Serrurier Truss NewtonianCamera: QSI 683wsg with Lodestar guiderFilters: Astrodon LRGB E-Series Gen 2 and 3nm H-AlphaTaken from my observatory in Auckland, New Zealand See Less

Copyright: Rolf Wahl Olsen

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

The Journey of AR12794-2795

Image Description and Details :

This image is a blend of 9 images taken on 9 days from 25.12.2020 to 02.01.2021. This shows how the sunspot AR12794 and AR12795 moves along the solsr disk due to Sun’s rotation. Also noticable is the change in thr apparent size of the sunspots where AR12795 ultimately becomes a faculae. The photo was taken with Nikon D5600, Sigma 150-600c and Thousand Oaks Solar Filter (white light). Post-processed via PIPP, Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop.

Copyright: Soumyadeep Mukherjee

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

SH2-174 : Valentine Rose Nebula

Image Description and Details :

I'm very proud to present this photo in L-HOO which required a total exposure of 27 hours per 20 minutes per photo, spread over 7 nights of the month of May, not counting the 10 hours of image calibration. At a magnitude of 14.74, it is very little luminous, which makes it difficult to image it.

It is located in the constellation Cepheus at a distance of 980 light-years.
Sh2-174 is one of the oldest planetary nebulae that is more unusual because the white dwarf is not in the center of the nebula. This asymmetry is due to the interaction of the planetary nebula with the surrounding interstellar medium.

Exifs :
Imaging telescopes: Skywatcher 200/1000 Newton
Imaging cameras: ASI 1600MM-Pro
Mounts: Skywatcher AZ EQ-6 GT Pro
Guiding telescopes or lenses: Skywatcher 200/1000 Newton
Guiding cameras: Altair GPCAM2 290C Colour
COMA Corector: Baader MPCC Mark III
Software: Pixinsight - NINA - Lightroom
Filters: ZWO OIII 7nm 36mm · ZWO Hɑ 7nm 36mm
Accessory: ZWO OAG

Dates:May 22, 2020 - Country: Hymont (Vosges )- France
Frames: 80x1200" (40 with Ha filter - 40 with OIII filter)
Integration: 26.7 hours

Copyright Information: Jordan Marlière

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Elephant Trunk Nebula in SHO 2020

Image Description and Details :

Captured over several nights in August 202027.5 hours total using HA – OIII – SII filtersAll are 15min exposures – 440xHa – 36xOiii – 30xSii Skywatcher Esprit 120ED with Apex-L reducer – 546mm fl – f/4.55Starlight Xpress Trius Pro-814Astrodon 5nm Ha – 3nm Oiii – 5nm Sii filtersSkywatcher EQ6R Pro mount guided with Lodestar X2 using OAG on the Midi filter wheelOther gear - Intel Nuc PC, Pegasus UPBv2, Starlight Instruments Posidrive autofocusCaptured with N.I.N.A., PHD2, Polemaster All processing in PixinsightCaptured from my backyard in Birch Bay, WA

Copyright: Justin Katsinis - AstroLayne

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Soaring Birds

This image shows the rising Seagull Nebula soaring high above Mt. Druesberg in central Switzerland.

The Seagull Nebula is an emission nebula on the borders of the constellations of Monoceros and Canis Major. Its location 10 degrees below the celestial equator puts it rather low for northern hemisphere observers, which may be the reason why it is not as famous as other nebula that rise higher during the night.

For deepscapes however, a deep space object needs to hug the horizon, which makes the Seagull Nebula a perfect target.

Despite careful planning, the resulting image contains a big surprise: The Seagull Nebula is not that splendid bird with a bright body and wispy wings and tail you can see in this deep image. I didn't even know that these structures exist. What is known as the Seagull Nebula is just the bright body part that remotely resembles a soaring bird on its own - it is the bird in a much bigger, more detailed bird! How awesome!


Canon EOS 6D, astro-modified

ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro

Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 @ f/4

Baader Ultra Narrowband H-alpha and Olll filters

Modified Skywatcher AZ-GTI mount, controlled with ASIair


Canon EOS 6D @ 200mm:

26 x 60s @ ISO1600 for RGB

ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro @ 96mm (to match the 200mm full frame FOV)

20 x 300s H-alpha @ Gain 200

10 x 300s Olll @ Gain 200


8 x 90s @ ISO1600

Copyright: Ralf Rohner

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Sh2-132 The Lion nebula

Image Description and Details :

Sh2 -132 is a large and very weak emission nebula in the constellation of Cepheus .
The stars responsible for the ionization of its gases are very hot and massive; in particular, two Wolf-Rayet stars were identified , known with the initials HD 211564 and HD 211853.

Processed by Santiago Rodríguez


Image captured with Halfa and OIII filters of 5 nm. by Carlos Uriarte.
G: 20%Halfa/80% OIII
Halfa astrodon 5nm filter (900 "x 91): 22.75h BIN 1
OIII astrodon 5nm filter (900"x50):12.5h
Total: 35.25h
CCD: Atik 460exmono
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ106ED
Ager, LLeida, Spain

Copyright: SantiRoHe

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

NGC 1501

Image Description and Details :

Another bright planetary nebula to capture during a full moon.
NGC 1501 is a complex planetary nebula in the constellation Camelopardalis.
It's progenitor star is a pulsating star, meaning that its brightness varies regularly and periodically. In the case of NGC 1501’s progenitor star, this is incredibly fast, with the star’s brightness changing significantly in just half an hour.

Image captured on my dual rig in Spain.Scopes: APM TMB LZOS 152 RefractorsCameras: QSI6120wsg8Mount: 10Micron GM2000 HPSA total of 7 hours image capture.

Copyright: Peter Goodhew

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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Southern Hemisphere

This portion of the Milky Way in the southern hemisphere is very rich in nebulae and some star clusters, my favorite constellation "The southern cross" with its beautiful stars (Acrux, Mimosa, Gacrux and Imai) are the 4 main stars that they form this constellation which serves to find the south cardinal point by moving the central axis of the "cross" 3 and a half times.

We can also see the nebula of the keel or eta carina and below the cross the sack of coal or head of the "Choique" as the Mapuches knew it.

While taking these photos I was able to observe the passage of the International Space Station next to some Russian polar orbit satellites in the province of Rio Negro.

Nikon D 850 camera, 3x 25 ". Iso 6400 nikon 24-120 f4 lens

Copyright: Ariel Maderna

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