SH2-174 : Valentine Rose Nebula

Sh2-174 traité.jpg

Image Description and Details :

I'm very proud to present this photo in L-HOO which required a total exposure of 27 hours per 20 minutes per photo, spread over 7 nights of the month of May, not counting the 10 hours of image calibration. At a magnitude of 14.74, it is very little luminous, which makes it difficult to image it.

It is located in the constellation Cepheus at a distance of 980 light-years.
Sh2-174 is one of the oldest planetary nebulae that is more unusual because the white dwarf is not in the center of the nebula. This asymmetry is due to the interaction of the planetary nebula with the surrounding interstellar medium.

Exifs :
Imaging telescopes: Skywatcher 200/1000 Newton
Imaging cameras: ASI 1600MM-Pro
Mounts: Skywatcher AZ EQ-6 GT Pro
Guiding telescopes or lenses: Skywatcher 200/1000 Newton
Guiding cameras: Altair GPCAM2 290C Colour
COMA Corector: Baader MPCC Mark III
Software: Pixinsight - NINA - Lightroom
Filters: ZWO OIII 7nm 36mm · ZWO Hɑ 7nm 36mm
Accessory: ZWO OAG

Dates:May 22, 2020 - Country: Hymont (Vosges )- France
Frames: 80x1200" (40 with Ha filter - 40 with OIII filter)
Integration: 26.7 hours

Copyright Information: Jordan Marlière


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