Jupiter rotation
Image Title: Jupiter rotation
Copyright: Juan Luis Cánovas Pérez
Date image was taken: November 28, 2024
Location (was image taken with remote scope?): Murcia ( Spain )
Image Description and Details: Watching the planets rotate is always fascinating, but in the case of Jupiter it is quite a spectacle. The giant of the Solar System makes a complete revolution on its axis in just 10 hours. In the animation we can see how its satellite Europa passes in front of it along with the shadow it projects. The 3D effect with which we can observe it just when it crosses in front is surprising.
Equipment Details: Newton 300/1500 Carbon + Powermatex5 + Asi 462 mc + ADC + Neq6
77 videos 90s
Rotatión time: 1.5 h (Winjupos)
Name: Juan Luis Cánovas
Email: jlanisol@hotmail.com
Website or Facebook Profile: https://www.flickr.com/photos/146549985@N08/
AAPOD2 Title: Jupiter rotation
AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/jupiter-rotation
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