LDN 1622 - The Boogeyman Nebula

ldn 1622 the boogeyman nebula

Image Title: LDN 1622 - The Boogeyman Nebula

Date image was taken: November 15, 2023

Location: Deep Sky West remote observatory near Santa Fe

Image Description and Details: The Boogeyman Nebula, LDN 1622, sits just across Barnard's Loop from the Casper the Friendly Ghost Nebula, Messier 78, about 500 light years away in Orion. The red clouds of Barnard's Loop (visible in the mouseover overlay) are much farther away at about 1,500 light years and serve as a backdrop for the dark, cold molecular clouds of LDN 1622.

The small reflection nebula van den Bergh 62 (vdB 62) appears just above the Boogeyman's left shoulder. Below the Boogeyman's left foot you can find vdB 63. And off to the right (south), you can see PN-G 205.4-11.7. It was once thought to be a planetary nebula but has since been classified as a cometary globule.

Equipment Details: Takahashi TOA130; 10Micron GM2000; Moravian C5s-100M; Chroma filters; Bortle 2 at Deep Sky West near Santa Fe; 21h 49' integration time.

Copyright: Timothy Martin

Name: Timothy Martin

Email: tim@timothydmartin.com

Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.astrobin.com/users/AccidentalAstronomers/

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Charles Lillo

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