
ldn 1251

Image Title: Ldn1251

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Date image was taken: August 19, 2023

Image Description and Details : Lynds dark nebula.

RVB process under APP, Pixinsight, Affinity photo.

13 jours integration orher 2 nights, with 180s subs. No filter. Asi2600 mc pro. Esprit 100 Ed 550 mm f5.5. Eq6-r. Asiair pro.

Copyright: X. Peillon Photographie

Name: Xavier Peillo'

Email: x.peillon.photographie@gmail.com

Website or Facebook Profile: http://xpeillon.pictures

Terms and conditions: I agree

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


NGC 7822


The Scream - Full Context (Sh2-92 and SNR G65.3+5.7)