NGC 1532 - a distorted edge-on barred spiral galaxy in Eridanus

Date image was taken: 1/16/2021

Image Title: NGC 1532 - a distorted edge-on barred spiral galaxy in Eridanus

Image Description and Details : NGC 1532 is a most unusual and beautiful galaxy. It is an edge-on barred spiral about 58 million light years away in the constellation of Eridanus. It is interacting with its companion galaxy NGC 1531 which is distorting its spiral arms.
A long focal length (3.9m) and an image scale go 0.47"/pxl, allows very fine detail to be captured when the seeing is good which it was for this capture.
Location: Wattle Flat, NSW, Australia
OTA: C14 Edge HD
Mount: Paramount MX+
Camera: SBIG 16803
Filters Astronomik 2" LRGB & Ha
Capture software: SGPro
Image processing: PixInsight & Photoshop
Capture details:
Luminance: 27 x 10mins
Red: 15 x 10mins
Green: 16 x 10mins
Blue: 13 x 10mins
Ha: 9 x 30 mins
Total integration 980mins (16.3 hrs)
35 Flats per colour channel,
35 Bias,
35 Darks.

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Copyright: Copyright: Niall MacNeill

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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