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Out on a Wing Part 2
Image Description and Details :
Image of the area from Cederblad 90 to beyond NGC 2327 in Monoceros and Canis Major. This area is the right wing of the famous SeaGull Nebula (IC2177) lying approx 3,700 light years distant. The area is full of emission and reflection nebula. 10.2hrs of exposure time with a 152mm refractor and ASI 6200 CMOS camera using LRGB and Ha filters.
Copyright: Jon Talbot
Eclipse and constellations
Image Description and Details : I wanted to share this photograph taken during the last total solar eclipse on December 14th.During the last total solar eclipse, in La Lobería, Río Negro, Argentina, on the edge of the South Atlantic and its immense cliffs, which helped to compose the image that I present here, 4 planets could be observed with the naked eye, some stars, and others could be captured with a long exposure photograph. The photography is the result of a composition of two images, one with a long exposure to capture the stars (where the eclipse was overexposed) and the other with a short exposure (with the eclipse well exposed).Cámera: Canon T3Lens: Tokina 11-16, in 11 mm F: 7.1 / 5.6ISO: 200 / 3200Exposure: 2 shots: 10 seconds and 1/20 seconds Software: Photoshop.
Copyright: Cristian López
M42 and IC 434 widefield in Narrowband
Image Description and Details :
This image shows the Orion Nebula, De Mairan’s Nebula, the Horsehead Nebula and the Flame Nebula. It was taken with a small refractor telescope from the city. For this, narrowband filters were used and long exposure times helped reveal a lot of gas and dust all around the nebulae. The color was achieved by combining the narrowband channels into a “OHS” combination. This is rarely done and gives this part of the sky a unique look. Other combinations (Hubble Palette or true color) did not really make the objects pop as much. I believe the OHS combination is the best when it comes to imaging this section of the sky in narrowband only, although it is either you love it or you hate it!
Copyright: Antoine and Dalia Grelin
From approx. 2h exposure time without darks, flats, bias. Rasa11 and ASI 2600 pro color. Location: Terrace - Bad Harzburg City Area (B4)
Copyright: Andre Rachwalski
Eta Carinae in HSO
Takahashi FS60c
ASI1600MM Pro
7 Position FW, 36mm
Feather Touch Starlight
Pegasus Astro
Astronomik Ha 6nm: 44 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1
Astronomik S2 6nm: 40 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1
Astronomik O3 6nm: 36 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1
Colombari's Terrace, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
FAST · PSCS5 · Pixinsight
Copyright: Roberto Colombari
ngc 3189/90
NGC 3189 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
NGC 1532 - a distorted edge-on barred spiral galaxy in Eridanus
NGC 1532 is a most unusual and beautiful galaxy. It is an edge-on barred spiral about 58 million light years away in the constellation of Eridanus.
Solar System
Image Description and Details :
Records of the Solar System that I performed in 2020With the exception of the Moon and Mars (as they would be too small), the other objects in the image are (approximately) proportional to their actual size.Sky-Watcher 203mm F/5 EQ5 reflector with Onstep, ASI 290MC, UV/IR Cut filter, Barlow Tele Vue 3x (Planets), Thousand Oaks Solar Filter (Sun).
Copyright: Maicon Lopes Nunes
Image Description and Details :
This nebula was first discovered by the astronomer Stewart Sharpless in 1959 who included it in his catalogue of HII regions under the name of Sh2-200. In 1983, Sh2-200 was included in the HDW catalogue of possible planetary nebulae by the astronomers Herbert Hartl, Johann Dengel and Ronald Weinberger. However it wasn't confirmed to be a true genuine planetary nebula until 2017 when spectra was taken as part of professional observations. In 1987, further narrowband observations by Herbert Hartl and Ronald Weinberger detected a large faint outer halo extending further than the central shell.Imaging telescopes or lenses: Takahashi FSQ130EDImaging cameras: QSI 6120iMounts: Takahashi EM 400 Temma 2Guiding cameras: QHY CCD QHY 5 IIDates: Nov. 22 - Dec. 12, 2020Frames:Astrodon Ha 5nm: 45x1200" Astrodon OIII 5nm: 45x1200"Astrodon RGB: 3x30x120" Integration: 33 Hours
Copyright: Brendan Kinch
IC 434 - Horsehead Nebula
Image Description and Details :
RECORDING DATA:Object: IC 434Recording date: November / December 2020Distance: 1,500 light yearsDiameter: 3 light yearsExposure: 75 x 300 sec. For RGB26 x 900 sec. For dual narrow bandTotal: 12.7 hoursCalibration: Darks / Flats / DarkFlatsMount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PROTelescope: Lacerta Fotonewton 250/1000Corrector: Lacerta GPU coma correctorFilter: Astronomik L2 UV-IR Block 2 ″Optolong filter L-eXtreme 2 ″Camera: QHY268c @ Gain 0/60 at -15 ° CGuiding: ZWO OAG with ASI 120mm-s and PHD2Software: APP / Photoshop CC
Copyright: Daniel Nimmervoll
The Great Orion Nebula and Running Man
The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M42, or NGC 1976) is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky Way, south of Orion's Belt in the constellation of Orion.
Lunar craters: Endymion & Hayn
Many interesting the crater Hayn located to the northeast limb of the Moon. The observation of the crater is affected by the libration phase and this limits its view.
C14 Edge HD, Fornax52 mount, ASI174 mono, Baader R+IR>610nn Barlow Zeiss.
Copyright: Morrone Luigi
Planetary nebula KjPn 8 and Bubble Nebula
Planetary nebula KjPn 8 (PN G112.5-00.1, K3-89) and Bubble Nebula (NGC7635) in the constellation Cassiopeia.KjPn 8 (PN G112.5-00.1, K3-89) is a bipolar planetary nebula which was discovered by M.A.Kazaryan and Eh.S.Parsamyan in 1971 and independently by Kohoutek in 1972. It is one of the strangest and possibly most unique planetary nebulae in the sky. In my image, we see it on the left side of the frame below the center. Planetary nebula consists of a compact red core (apparent size is about 3–4 arcsec in diameter) surounded by a huge bipolar lobe structure that measures 12x5 arcminutes. There is the possibility that the two separate structures are two separate planetary nebulae formed from both members of a binary star system moving onto the planetary nebula phase within a few thousand years of each other.
This image taken over several nights in November 2020.R-channel - 20 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;G-channel - 20 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;B-channel - 20 x 150 sec. bin 1x1;Ha- 46 x 600 sec. bin 2x2;OIII- 74 x 600 sec. bin 2x2.Total integration time about 22:30 hours.
My setup: Telescope 8" Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain (SCT) CPC800 GPS (XLT) on the equatorial wedge, focal reducer Starizona Night Owl 0.4х, Feq=864mm, camera Starlight Xpress Trius SX694, SX mini filter wheel, filters Astrodon LRGB E-series gen.2, Astrodon Ha 5nm, Astrodon OIII 3nm.Capture and processing software: MaxIm DL6, PHD2, PixInsight, StarTools, Photoshop CC, Zoner photo studio 14.North at the top.
Copyright: Boris Vladimirovich
The night of the stars
Image Description and Details : Exposure: per photo approx. 40 x 30 sec.Calibration: Darks / Flats / DarkFlatsMount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PROTelescope: Lacerta Fotonewton 250/1000Corrector: Lacerta GPU coma correctorFilter: Astronomik L2 UV-IR Block 2 ″Camera: QHY268c @ Gain 0 at -15 ° CGuiding: ZWO OAG with ASI 120mm-s and PHD2Software: APP / Photoshop CC
Copyright Information: Daniel Nimmervoll
Messier 36
Image Description and Details :
Equipment used:Eq6 hypertune gen2 by DarkFrame LtdAltair Astro 6" RCAstro physics CCDT67 reducerQHYCCD QHY163M Coldmos, cooled at -20°C7x1.25" StarlightXpress USB filterwheelBaader 1.25" LRGB filtersQHYCCD QHY5L-IIM guide cameraTS09OAG off axis guiderQHYCCD Polemaster
Software used:Eqmod, SGP - Sequence Generator Pro, Stellarium with StellariumScope, SharpCap for polar alignment.Location:
Bushey, bortle 7Date: 28.10.2020;5x180sec
Luminance2x180sec for each R, G and BTotal integration time: 33 minutesGain 100, Offset 70
Calibration and stacking in APP, processed in Photoshop CC 2020
Copyright Information: Emil Andronic Photography
A Skull and Two Galaxies
Image Description and Details :
A two panel mosaic of NGC 246 - the Skull Nebula, spiral galaxy NGC 255, and dwarf galaxy PGC2689.Image captured on my dual rig in Spain.Scopes: APM TMB LZOS 152 RefractorsCameras: QSI6120wsg8Mount: 10Micron GM2000 HPSBlue: 60x300"Green: 58x300"Lum: 85x300"Red: 61x300"Total Integration: 22 hours
Copyright Peter Goodhew