Ngc 5907

Image Description and Details :        A spiral galaxy located in the dragon It has several stellar flows, here on the image I have only captured the left flow the rest of its large loop is very little visible or then some influences by severely pushing the transformation histo. Its stellar fluxes are remnants of dwarf or similar sized galaxies that have been disturbed and extended along its orbit. The galaxy is located 42.4 million light years away.  Atik 460ex et 200/1000 en lrvb sur 21h   l..63x900s R..22x300s V..20x300s B..21x300s       Copyright:         Rémi Méré

Image Description and Details :

A spiral galaxy located in the dragon It has several stellar flows, here on the image I have only captured the left flow the rest of its large loop is very little visible or then some influences by severely pushing the transformation histo. Its stellar fluxes are remnants of dwarf or similar sized galaxies that have been disturbed and extended along its orbit. The galaxy is located 42.4 million light years away.

Atik 460ex et 200/1000 en lrvb sur 21h


Copyright: Rémi Méré


NGC6979- Pickering's Triangle HOORGB


The Janssen Fabricius and Metius