AAPOD2 Image Archives

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2021, August 2021 Jason Matter 2021, August 2021 Jason Matter

Ngc 5907

Image Description and Details :

A spiral galaxy located in the dragon It has several stellar flows, here on the image I have only captured the left flow the rest of its large loop is very little visible or then some influences by severely pushing the transformation histo. Its stellar fluxes are remnants of dwarf or similar sized galaxies that have been disturbed and extended along its orbit. The galaxy is located 42.4 million light years away.

Atik 460ex et 200/1000 en lrvb sur 21h l..63x900sR..22x300sV..20x300sB..21x300s

Copyright: Rémi Méré

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2021, March 2021 Jason Matter 2021, March 2021 Jason Matter

Ou4 - Giant Squid

Image Description and Details:

A nebula, Ou4, that I find very pretty so at the beginning of July, I started to photograph it. It is carried out in hoorvb. until October I got 113 hours of exposure in order to prepare for this image.

OIII 200X900S

HA 260X600S

RVB 240X300S

Copyright Information: Rémi Méré

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Ngc 2403

Instrument or lens: SkyWatcher 200/1000 BLACK DIAMOND                                                        Atik 460 EX Mono                                                                                                                                   SkyWatcher NEQ6 Pro Goto Guidance                                                                                              ZWO OPTICAL DIVIDER Reducer / focal corrector                                                                  SkyWatcher Coma Corrector II                                                                                                      Astronomik RGB, Baader Ha 7nm, Astrnomik CLS-CC Access -s                                                  Astrnomik CLS-CCD: 104x300 "-10C bin 1x1Baader Ha 7nm: 140x300" bin 1x1 Astronomik RGB: 48x150 "bin 1x1                                                                                                                                     Integration: 22.3 Hours Darks: ~ 50Flats / PLU: ~ 11Bias / offset: ~ 1001Astrometry.net job                 AD: 7h 36 '52 "DEC center: + 65 ° 36' 10" Pixel scale: 0.468 arcsec / pixel Orientation: 179.532 degrees Field radius: 0.450 Source data: Backyard

Copyright: Rémi Méré

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