The Seagull Nebula (IC 2177)

Image Title: The Seagull Nebula (IC 2177)

Copyright: Christian BERTINCOURT

Date image was taken: January 15, 2025

Location: Brignais (69530)

Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup

Image Description and Details: The Seagull Nebula (IC 2177) is an emission nebula located on the border of the Canis Major and Unicorn constellations. It is located about 3,800 light years from Earth. The nebula takes its name from its shape which evokes a seagull in flight, with well-extended "wings" and a "head" marked by a particularly bright region. It covers a vast region of the sky with an apparent size of about 120 arc minutes, four times the diameter of the full Moon. This nebula is mainly composed of clouds of ionized hydrogen, illuminated by young stars which emit strong ultraviolet light. The "head" of the Seagull is dominated by a bright star named HD 53367, a massive star of spectral type O. This nebula is a spectacular subject in imaging, for this I used filters duo band Hα/OIII and SII/Hb, which reveal details of the gas structures. Equipment Details: : Antlia ALP-T Ha/OIII + SII/H2b filter
: 69x300" + 40x300s
: ZWO Asiair Plus
: Askar FRA600 f/3.9
: ZWO ASI6200Mc Pro à -10°
: iOptron GEM45
: Siril - PixInsight - Photoshop
: Env. Lyon
: Bortle 5.8
: 12 au 15/01/2025

Name: Christian BERTINCOURT

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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