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April 2024, 2024 Charles Lillo April 2024, 2024 Charles Lillo

THE MARKARIAN CHAIN ​​and its neighbors

The Markarian Chain, a striking alignment of galaxies, stretches across the cosmos like a celestial necklace adorning the night sky. Situated within the Virgo Cluster, this remarkable assembly of galaxies features prominent members such as M84, M86, and the giant elliptical galaxy M87.

Spanning over 3 degrees of space, the Markarian Chain is a testament to the gravitational dance of galaxies, with each member influenced by the gravitational pull of its neighbors. This intricate cosmic ballet offers astronomers a unique opportunity to study galaxy interactions, mergers, and the evolution of cosmic structures over billions of years.

The Markarian Chain and its neighboring galaxies stand as a captivating reminder of the vastness and complexity of the universe, inviting us to explore the mysteries of deep space and unravel the secrets of galactic evolution.

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