Pacman In Disguise
Date image was taken: 10/25/2020
Image Title: Pacman In Disguise
Image Description and Details : Hello,
Name: Anthony Saab
Location: Lebanon
Insta: anthonyrsaab
I'm submitting NGC-281, also known as the Pacman Nebula. This is a special one of a kind image in my opinion since it incorporates both narrowband and broadband data. Around 50 hrs of integration time!
The narrowband data (Hydrogen and Oxygen) is mostly used for the actual Pacman, showing the intricate details and different elements inside the nebula; I managed to capture some very faint Ha signal around the known Pacman which
is rarely seen in images.
The broadband data shows the extremely faint dark clouds around the Pacman.
Broadband data was also used to represent the star colors as accurately as possible.
I don't think I've ever seen an image showing the clouds around it. For some reason, no one that I know put time into broadband imaging this target. I was really excited when I saw what appears to be
a tiny faint blue reflection nebula in the middle left edge of the image inside the faint dark clouds.
What gives me goosebumps about this region is the dark nebula in front. It looks like a tear in the fabric of space-time!! The silhouette of the columns and dust globules is just amazing to my eyes.
Clear Skies!
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