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2021, September 2021 Jason Matter 2021, September 2021 Jason Matter

NGC281 Pacman Nebula

Image Description and Details : NGC281 Pacman Nebula
Taken in Montréal (Bortle 9)
Around 18h of exposure from 3 nights (the only 3 cleared nights in July/August and early September )

Chroma 3nm SHO

Copyright: Jonathan Durand

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Pacman Nébula

SII_68x10min __ William Optic 81GT Ha_38x10min OIII_33x10min WO132FLT William Optic 132FLT +reducer flattener .8x SBIG STF-8300 -25c_ Chroma filters 5nm William Optic 81GT +reducer flattener .8x ASI183MM. Pro -25c. Badder filters guide scope _William Optics 61 GS /APO _. ASI290MM - Ioptron Commander -Focus cube2 SGP,PHD2, ,NINA ,APP, PIXINSIGHT

Copyright Information: Sylvain Lefebvre

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