Saturn, Titan & Rhea 16/07/2024 - A magic show in the Sky

Saturn, Titan & Rhea

Image Title: Saturn, Titan & Rhea 16/07/2024 - A magic show in the Sky

Copyright: Gabriele D'Orazio

Date image was taken: July 16, 2024

Location: Rome (Italy)

Image Description and Details: Saturn 16/07/2024

This image of Saturn is certainly one of the most interesting I have ever taken. I was about to wrap up, as the seeing was mediocre at the start of the session, but I was reluctant to stop because I had the chance to capture Titan near Saturn. I persisted, and fortunately, the conditions suddenly improved.
The surprise came when processing and observing the simulation on Stellarium first and then WinJupos.
In the image, you can actually distinguish details on Titan (consistent with the WinJupos simulation), the very prominent shadow of Rhea transiting, and (what I found moving) Titan precisely transiting within the shadow cast by the rings, an incredible sight.
I hope it can move you as much as it moved me

Skywatcher Dobson 16" Goto
Zwo ASI 462mc
Barlow Baader q 2.25x
UV/IR cut filter

9 images derotated from 9 videos of 90s each

Equipment Details: Skywatcher Dobson 16"Goto
Zwo ASI 462mc
Zwo Adc
Barlow Baader q 2,25x
Uv/ir cut filter

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AAPOD2 Title: Saturn, Titan & Rhea 16/07/2024 - A magic show in the Sky

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Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.

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