M81-M82. Potential new discovery of stellar tidal tail in M82

Image Title: M81-M82. Potential new discovery of stellar tidal tail in M82

Copyright: Alvaro Ibañez Perez (www.aipastroimaging.com) and Astrocity (www.astrocity.es)

Date image was taken: June 14, 2024

Location: Trevinca Skies

Image Description and Details: I send you my photo of M81, M82 and a potential new discovery of stellar tidal tail in M82 for consideration for APOD.
This photo was taken over a period of 6 months, from January to June of 2024, and has 231 hours of total exposure.
A new faint stellar tidal stream can be seen to the left of M82.
In addition, the faint IFN can be seen in great definition throughout the photo. Thousands of galaxies can also be seen in the background due to the good sky from which it was photographed and the long exposure time it has.

Ha: 774x600s bin1
L: 383x600s bin1
R: 151x300s bin1
G: 151x300s bin1
B: 155x300s bin1
Total: 230h 55min

Equipment Details: Telescope: Takahashi FSQ106EDX (f/5)
Mount: Takahashi EM-400 Temma2
Camera: Atik 16200 (KAF-16200)
Guider: Lunático EZG-60 + SXLodestar
Filters: Baader LRGB 50,8mm y Ha 7nm
Focuser: RoboFocus Rev3.1
Adquisition: N.I.N.A.
Date: 2024 January – 2024 June

Website or Facebook Profile: http://www.aipastroimaging.com

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AAPOD2 Title: M81-M82. Potential new discovery of stellar tidal tail in M82

AAPOD2 Page Link: https://www.aapod2.com/blog/m81-and-m82-halrgb

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Charles Lillo

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