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2024, July 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, July 2024 Charles Lillo

M81-M82. Potential new discovery of stellar tidal tail in M82

This detailed image of the galaxies M81 and M82 reveals a potential new discovery: a faint stellar tidal stream to the left of M82. Captured with a total exposure time of 231 hours, this image showcases the intricate details and interactions within this galaxy pair.

The stellar tidal stream, a faint and newly observed feature, hints at the dynamic and tumultuous past of M82. These streams are often remnants of gravitational interactions and mergers, providing valuable insights into the evolutionary history of galaxies. The long exposure time has allowed for the delicate and faint structures to emerge, making this image a significant contribution to our understanding of these iconic galaxies.

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2024, February 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, February 2024 Charles Lillo

M81 & M82 IFN

M81, also known as Bode's Galaxy, and its neighbor M82, the Cigar Galaxy, form a captivating duo in the constellation Ursa Major. These galaxies, located approximately 12 million light-years away from Earth, offer astronomers a glimpse into the dynamic processes of galactic evolution.

M81, a grand spiral galaxy, boasts tightly wound arms adorned with bright knots of star formation. In contrast, M82, an irregular galaxy, exhibits a chaotic structure characterized by intense bursts of star formation and dramatic outflows of gas and dust. Together, these galaxies present a striking contrast in their appearance and evolutionary paths.

In addition to M81 and M82, the image also captures the faint glow of Integrated Flux Nebulae (IFN), subtle structures of interstellar dust illuminated by the combined light of distant stars. These ethereal wisps serve as a backdrop to the majestic galaxies, adding depth and dimension to the cosmic tableau.

As astronomers delve into the mysteries of M81, M82, and the surrounding IFN, they uncover insights into the processes of galactic interaction, star formation, and the cosmic recycling of elements. Through meticulous observation and analysis, these celestial wonders continue to inspire awe and wonder, inviting us to explore the vast depths of the universe and unravel its profound mysteries.

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