Sh2-240 The Spaghetti Nebula
Image Title: Sh2-240 The Spaghetti Nebula
Copyright: Chris Parfett
Date image was taken: December 01, 2024
Location: My set-up at SFRO in Texas
Data Acquisition Method: Personal Telescope Setup
If other selected:
Image Description and Details: Sh2-240 is known as the Spaghetti Nebula, and Simeis 147. It is a supernova remnant, produced by the explosive death of a large star. This was an extremely dim, and challenging image to produce. There was some moonless nights used to capture Dual Band data. 8 nights later, and 47 hours of data was used to create this image. 43 hours of that was with the Antlia ALP-T filter.
Equipment Details: Rokinon 135mm lens at f2.8
ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro
Antlia ALP-T high speed
Askar 32mm guide scope/ZWO ASI 120mm mini
NINA, ZWO EAF, ZWO 5 position filter wheel
Pixinsight / Photoshop / NINA / PHD2
Name: Chris Parfett
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AAPOD2 Title: Sh2-240 The Spaghetti Nebula
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