Image Title: Sh2-216
Copyright: Brendan Kinch
Date image was taken: December 09, 2024
Location (was image taken with remote scope?): Backyard - Cartagena, Spain.
Image Description and Details: SH2-216 is a beautiful but extremely faint planetary nebula found very close to the bright star Capella. Estimated to be ~500,000 years old, it has spread out and diffused over a very large area to become the second largest known planetary nebula. Only Hewett-1 discovered in the early 2000's is known to be larger. The estimated distance from Earth is ~390 light years making Sh2-216 the closest known to Earth as well.
Equipment Details:Imaging telescope: Takahashi FSQ130ED
Imaging camera: ASI 2600MM
Mount: JTW Trident P75
Guiding telescope: Takahashi FS60CB
Guiding camera: QHY 5 II
Focal Extender / Reducer: 0.73X
Software: Sequence Generator Pro SGP (for capture) PHD 2 (guiding), Astro Pixel Processor, PixInsight.
Filters: Astrodon Ha (3nm), OIII (3nm) and SII (3nm). Astrodon RGB.
Astrodon Ha 65 x 600"
Astrodon OIII 90 x 600"
Astrodon SII 62 x 600"
Astrodon RGB 3x60x60"
Total integration = 39 Hours 10 Mins.
Name: Brendan Kinch
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AAPOD2 Title: Sh2-216
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