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2024, March 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, March 2024 Charles Lillo

Sh2-216 "big, faint, rarely imaged, rgbsho"

Sh2-216, nestled within the cosmic expanse of the Orion constellation, unveils a captivating spectacle of interstellar gas and dust. This nebulous region, also known as a diffuse emission nebula, offers us a window into the turbulent processes of star formation and stellar evolution.

Stretching across vast swathes of space, Sh2-216 shimmers with the ethereal glow of ionized hydrogen, a telltale sign of ongoing star-birth within its midst. Within its nebulous embrace, newborn stars ignite into brilliance, casting their radiance upon the surrounding cosmic landscape.

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February 2023, 2023 Jason Matter February 2023, 2023 Jason Matter

Lower’s Nebula

Image Description and Details : Sh2-261, also known as Lower’s Nebula (after Harold and Charles Lower discovered it in 1939), is an emission nebula found on the outermost edge of our Milkyway between the Orion and Perseus arm.

APM SD Apo (Fpl53) 140 F4,6 (644 mm)
ZWO ASI 533MC Pro + iOptron GEM45

Feb 2023
Optolong L-Ultimate (3 nm): 111X600"
Optolong Uv Ir cut: 30X60” (star color)
Tot: 19h

Modena (Sqm 18.3-18.9 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy

Copyright: Andrea Arbizzi

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February 2022, 2022 Jason Matter February 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

The False Twins : SH2-216 & SH2-221

Image Description and Details : This is a 4 panel mosaic done over multiple nights and requiring more than 120 hours. It was captured from Andalusia in Spain using a AP130GTX refractor on top of a 10Micron mount.
The colour scheme is HSO with added RGB stars. The following frames were captured :
- Ha : 244 X 600s
- OIII : 220 X 600s
- Sii : 220 X 600
- RGB : for each 60 X 180

Copyright: F Drevon

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