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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

Abell 370

Abell 370 is known for its gravitational lensing effect.

RECORDING DATA:Object: Abell 370Date of recording: November 2020 Distance: 6 billion light yearsExposure: 240 x 180 sec. (Total 12 hours)

Calibration: Darks / Flats / DarkFlats

Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO

Telescope: Lacerta Fotonewton 250/1000

Corrector: Lacerta GPU coma corrector

Filter: Astronomik L2 UV-IR Block 2 ″Camera: QHY268c @ Gain 0 at -15 °

CGuiding: ZWO OAG with ASI 120mm-s and

PHD2Resolution: 0.77 arcseconds / pixel

Software: APP / Photoshop CC

Copyright: Daniel Nimmervoll

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