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2021, April 2021 Jason Matter 2021, April 2021 Jason Matter

Blue Chilli Nebula

Image Description and Details :

Resembling a hot chilli these superheated blue tendrils of ionised oxygen are remnants of a spectacular supernova that occurred some 11,000 years ago.Located in Vela some 800 LY distant, this small isolated section of this vast region silhouetted against a background rich in Ha seemed worthy of attention it’s own right - as after an exhaustive search, there don’t appear to be any stand alone studies online of this beautiful waveform.Photographed over three nights from my light polluted suburban backyard in Melbourne, Australia. 🇦🇺Acquisition was made using Stellarmate on a Rpi4 Processed in App, PS CC 2021, Topaz NR Ai & Nik.Captured via Stellarmate- 15.0 Hrs HaO3RGB Average seeing, Bortle 5/6 skies.Telescope : Takahashi TOA130 Mount: Takahashi NJPCamera: QSI 6162 WSG8 Filters: Chroma Ha 5nm, Chroma O3 3nm Chroma RG&BProcessed in Astropixel Processor Topaz AI & Photoshop CC 2021

Copyright: Andy Campbell 2021

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

NGC 6334 Cats Paw Nebula

Third finished image from the big Tak/QSI 6162/Chroma combo.
This is a very Hydrogen rich region, so have deliberately allowed some of the background nebulosity to show through.

The Chroma 5nm filter worked a treat as the Ha was taken just 30 degrees from a full moon!
To me it resembles a genie pouring out of the magic lamp!Ha – 11x1200secs
O3-17 x 1800 secs
S2- 10x1200secs
RG&B 10×180 secs ea.

Captured using Ekos on a Mac.

Processed in APP & PS CC 2020 – with Topaz NR
Taken from my light polluted suburban backyard in Melbourne.

Telescope: Takahashi TOA 130 + Flattener 67

Camera: QSI 6162 WSG8

Mount: Takahashi NJP Temma 2

Filters: Chroma 5nm Ha & S2, 3nm O3 & RGB

Guiding Camera: Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2

Integration time (Exposure)17 hrs

LocationBurwood, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Copyright: Andy Campbell

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