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Abell 21, the Medusa Nebula
Image Description and Details :
Abell 21 is a planetary Nebula that was discovered and catalogued as such, in 1955, by George Abell. Abell 21 is a planetary Nebula that was discovered and catalogued as such, in 1955, by George Abell. This image was taken with narrowband filters (Ha, OIII and NII). NII was added because some planetaries have distinct NII signals. In this case, the NII emission was similar to the Ha emission. Total exposure 31h 40m. Telescope 24 inch f/6.5 reflector, located in NMSkies, Mayhill, New Mexico. Processing: CCDStack and Photoshop CC 2021.
Copyright: Josep Drudis
Mars season 2020 and 2021 Perseverance and Ingenuity
Image Description and Details :
My captures of Mars from my site in Afa Corsica (France) with a C8, a C11 and a Mewlon 250 Takahashi Website or Facebook Profile:
Copyright: Pedranghelu Sauveur and Nasa for the Rover
Grand Finale
Image Description and Details :
A huge auroral show right before the aurora season ends here in the arctic circle. This image was taken in Salla, Finland with Sony A7S and Sigma art 20mm f1.4. The hill on the picture is 478 meters tall sallatunturi (Salla fell).
Copyright: Dennis Lehtonen
Cosmic perspective : PN M97 & M108
Image Description and Details :
A classic of the spring sky: the duo of the galaxy M108 with the Owl planetary nebula (M97) in Ursa Major.M97 is 2000 LY away, while M108 is 32 millions LY away (16.000 times more distant).I completed the LRGB with exposures with Ha and especially OIII, in order to gain signal on M97: the much more faint outer ring of M97, not so often seen, is visible.Takahashi TSA102 - AZEQ6 - Atik Cameras AtikOne 6.0 - Filters Astronomik (6nm Ha / OIII)L : 36 x 600s bin1RGB : 3 x 24 x 300s bin 2Ha : 12 x 600s bin 1OIII : 18 x 600s bin 1 + 12 x 600s bin2Total : 19h3, 4 & 5 april 2021 - Fouras (France)Traitement : Pixinsight & Photoshop
Copyright: Jean-Baptiste Auroux
NGC 4753
Image Description and Details :
NGC 4753
L=460:R=360:G=330:B=360, total 25.2 hours
Telescope : Planewave CDK 17, Camera : SBIG STXL 11002 with AOX, Tracking : Paramount ME
Image capture : Martin Pugh
Image processing : Rocco Sung
Location : Observatorio El Sauce, Chile
Copyright: Rocco Sung & Martin Pugh
Hartl-Dengl-Weinberger 2
Image Description and Details :
This extremely faint planetary nebula was first discovered by an American astronomer Stewart Sharpless in 1959. He included it in his catalogue of HII regions with an identification Sh2-200. Later in 1983 it was included in the HDW catalogue of possible planetary nebulae by the astronomers Herbert Hartl, Johann Dengel and Ronald Weinberger. In 2017 spectra of this object was taken by other professional astronomers and this verified their observations, confirming that this was indeed a planetary nebula.Data is acquired from my own remote observatory in central Finland using SkyWatcher Esprit 100mm f/5.5, ZWO ASI1600MM-C, EQ6 guided with ASI224MC as finder-guider, Baader narrowband filters and TS Optics RGB filters.Ha: 36x300s, OIII 120x300s, R/G/B 10x120s each. Total integration time is 14 hours.
Copyright: © Ville Miettinen
b169 nebula
Image Description and Details :
b 169 fatta dai nebrodi il 12-08-2012
takahashi FSQ 106N su montatura NEQ6 e camera ccd SBIG STL 11.000 e guida remota sbig in fuoriasse
Luminanza 17 x 900sec bin 1
RGB 4 x 300 sec bin 2
cielo un pò lattiginoso e con umidità
SQM allo zenith circa 20,8
Copyright: Giuseppe Petralia
M16 and The Pillars of Creation (SHO)
Image Description and Details :
Imaged in my backyard in Córdoba City, Argentina, under skies bortle 9.
Main equipment: ZWO ASI 1600 mm-pro + SW Explorer 250pds + SW Coma Corrector 0.9x + EQ6-R-Pro + ZWO EAF + ZWO 7x2" EFW
Guide Equipment: starguider 60/240 mm, ZWO ASI 120mm mini
*Gain 139, -25 º C, Ha 7nm 2" Optolong, 85x180"
*Gain 139, -25 º C, Oiii-CCD 6.5 nm 2" Optolong, 80x180"
*Gain 139, -25 º C, Sii-CCD 6.5 nm 2" Optolong, 80x180"
100 Darks
100 Flats per filter
Polar Align: SharpCap 3.2
Acquisition: SGP 3.1
Processing: Pixinsight 1.8.8, PS
Copyright: Ariel L. Cappelletti
Abell 30
Image Details:
Abell 30 planetary nebula proved to be a very challenging target. It is super faint and even with over 64 hours of OIII alone, I had to really push the data hard. Furthermore being a binary dwarf system that somehow reignited, I really wanted to make sure I did not blow out the core; even the Hubble Telescope blew the core out through X-Ray imaging.
Abell 30 is a planetary nebula, that stage in the star’s life when the two winds are colliding, and the central star is lighting them up like a neon sign. The circular shape on the outside is the giant wind, expanding away in a spherical shell like a soap bubble (and also slightly brightened along the outer edge as it rams into the thin gas between stars). It’s actually rare to get a nearly perfect circular outer halo like that, so this is neat.But it’s those tendrils of gas on the inside that are so very interesting. What astronomers think happened here is that the dying star was reborn for a brief time. During the red giant stage, right above the core are layers of oxygen and carbon, then helium above that, and a very thin shell of hydrogen above that. The heat from below causes the hydrogen to fuse at a furious rate, creating more helium that drops down (helium is heavier than hydrogen, so it sinks). If enough helium builds up, it fuses into carbon and oxygen, but this creates a vast amount of energy very rapidly. It’s nearly an explosion, but astronomers (who love to use dull terminology to describe soul-shaking events) call this a very late thermal pulse.Thermal pulses usually occur several times in the star’s life while the outer layers are still being ejected. But this one happens pretty late, when the layers are already essentially gone. This blows out the remaining gas around the core, creating those tendrils near the star, and the gas is moving so rapidly that when it slams into the gas around it the shock waves generate X-rays (there’s probably magnetism involved too, because there always is, and it complicates things immensely).Since fusion is what powers a star, it’s fair to say that for a moment it was reborn. But at this point it’s more like a death rattle. We’re looking at the last gasp of a dying star.Incidentally, all this activity in Abell 30 is very recent! The outer halo red giant wind has been expanding for about 12,500 years (spectra reveal the expansion velocity of the gas, and we can measure how big it is and its distance to get the age), while the inner gas is only about 850 years old! Given that the star was billions of years old before it started dying, we really are seeing the last sliver of its life.
Abell 30 • A Reborn Planetary Nebula67.9 Hours of Integration TimeBortle Dark-Sky Scale: 8.00Imaging telescopes or lenses: Explore Scientific ED165CF FPL-53
Imaging cameras: ZWO ASI1600MM-PRO
Mounts: Astro-Physics Mach 1 GTO
Guiding telescopes or lenses: Orion 80mm Short Tube
Guiding cameras: Starlight Xpress Lodestar x2
Software: Photoshop CC · PHD2 · Sequence Generator Pro · PixInsight
Filters: Astronomik Deep-Sky B · Astronomik Deep-Sky G · Astronomik Deep-Sky R · Astronomik Ha 6nm 1.25'' · Astrodon OIII 3nm
Accessory: ZWO 8x 1.25" Filter Wheel (EFW) · QHYCCD PoleMaster · Hotech 2" SCA Self-Centering Field Flattener · MoonLite CFL 2.5" Large Format Focuser
Dates:March 6, 2021 , March 20, 2021 , April 2, 2021 , April 3, 2021
Frames:Astrodon OIII 3nm: 1905x120" (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1x1Astronomik Deep-Sky B: 60x60" (gain: 0.00) -20C bin 1x1Astronomik Deep-Sky G: 59x60" (gain: 0.00) -20C bin 1x1Astronomik Deep-Sky R: 59x60" (gain: 0.00) -20C bin 1x1Astronomik Ha 6nm 1.25'': 42x120" (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1x1
Integration: 67.9 hours
Copyright: Douglas J Struble
A Cosmic Mess - 80 hours of M81 and M82
mage Description and Details :
This 80-hour image shows a deep look into the area of the two galaxies M81 and M82 and surroundings. The well known Integrated Flux Nebula shows a lot of detail Arp's loop is clearly defined. Another very interesting part were the H-Alpha observations. Nothing new, really, but rarely shown in a field this wide. For one the "Cap of M82". Its a small area of glowing hydrogen next to M82, likely associated with the Starburst.The small galaxy Holmberg IX also showed a lot of hydrogen signal, that's why it almost looks purple instead of the "usual" blue.The image was taken from January through April 2021, in 11 different nights. Roughly 2/3 of the data was acquired from a dark site, the rest in my Bortle 6 Backyard. Image details: 80 hours total integration time 21h Luminance 8h Red8h Green8h Blue35h H-AlphaCelestron RASA8 Skywatcher EQ6QHY 183M Processing mainly done in PixInsight, though some in Photoshop
Copyright: Julian Shroff
Léo Trio
Image Description and Details :
The Leo Trio is a small cluster of interacting galaxies located about 35 million light years from Earth.On the left-hand side of the image, the near-vertical bar with a thin band of black dust represents the galaxy NGC 3628, magnitude 9.5, seen from the edge. It is also known as the Hamburger Galaxy.Messier objects M 65 (NGC 3623), magnitude 9.3, below the upper right-hand corner, and M 66 (NGC 3627), magnitude 8.9, to the left of the lower right-hand corner, are tilted enough for their spiral arms to be visible.This image was taken in Perche-Normandy France.The total acquisition time is 5h15 in L,R,G,B.The image was taken with a Newton 250-900 telescope (F/D 4), Moravian G2 4000 camera on EQ8 Skywatcher mount
Copyright: Francis Bozon
Cederblad 111
Image Description and Details :
I share this capture made in March Cederblad 111 (Ced 111) is a blue reflection region in the southern constellation of Chamaeleon and is part of one of the closest (550 light years) dark cloud complexes to the Sun. Taken from Huinganes / Machalí / ChileTelescope: Askar FRA400 F3.9 Mount: iOptron CEM70-GCamera: QHY163CFocuser: Primalucelab SestoSenso 2 RGB: 78 x 600” 13hrsSoftware: SGP PHD2 PixInsight
Copyright: Claudio Ulloa
Barnard 344 / LBN 234
Image Description and Details :
This region, which stretches for about 50 light years, is part of the Gamma Cygni Nebula, about 1,800 light years away. Barnard 344, a dark dust cloud rich in cold molecular gas, is to the left of the image. LBN 234, a wall of dust and hydrogen gas forms a line to the right of the image.Caméras d'imagerie: ATIK 314L+Monture: HEQ5 PROInstrument de guidage: ORION ShortTube 80x400Caméra de guidage: QHY 5-IILogiciels: PixInsight · Kstars · Photoshop CS6Filtres: Baader HA 7nm · Baader OIII 8,5 nm · Baader S-II 8 nmDates:20 août 2019 , 23 août 2019 , 28 août 2019Images unitaires:Baader HA 7nm: 50x600" -5C bin 1x1Baader OIII 8,5 nm: 50x600" -5C bin 1x1Baader S-II 8 nm: 50x600" -3C bin 1x1Intégration: 25.0 heures
Copyright: Dom .
On the border between italy and france
ge Description and Details : During this winter, I decided to photography the winter Milky Way from one of the highest passes in europe : the Agnel pass.During the winter, you can go to this pass on skis or on foot but not by car. I left at 2.30 p.m. from the bottom to climb the 700m of vertical drop over 9km to go skiing.I was alone at an altitude of 2700m. During the night, the temperature was -13°C without wind.I started to ski down around 11.00 p.m under the stars._________________DETAILS Canon 5D MKIII + Samyang lens 24mm f/1.4 on tripod.Sky : panorama of 31 photos.Each photo is a one shot (exposure : 13 seconds, f/2.8, ISO : 4000).Foreground : panorama of 16 photos. Each photo stacked of 4 images (exposure : 4 * 60 seconds, f/2.8, ISO : 4000).
Copyright: Jeff Graphy
The Keyhole Nebula and Mystic Mountain in the Carina Nebula
Image Description and Details :
In the southern skies there is a nebula four times larger than the Orion nebula called the Keel or Carina nebula, NGC 3372. It is an emission nebula that is located about 8,500 light years from Earth in the arm of Carina Sagitarius of the Milky Way.Inside the Nebula there are very interesting objects such as the star Eta Carinae with a size around 150 times the Sun, the Mystic Mountain in the center that are pillars of dust and gas, and up between the great star and the mountain the Keyhole nebula a dark area of dust.The image is made from a 20" remote telescope located in Namibia with a monochrome camera with H alpha and OIII filters. It is almost four hours processed in a HOO palette with Pixinsight and PS.The photo is a cutout of the full frame format
M94 and its galactic halo
Image Description and Details : ASA10"Paramount MyTCanon RaTotal exposure : 31hrs78x60" ISO400311x300" ISO80045x300" ISO1600AstroPixelProcessor Pixinsight and Photoshop.
Copyright: Thomas LELU
Tranquility under Sparkling Skies
This chapel with a breathtaking view of the Swiss Alps not only is one of the most tranquil places I know, it is also perfectly oriented for astrophotography. The reasonably dark sky allowed me to capture it under the setting winter Milky Way with its wonderful plethora of red emission nebula.
Canon EOS 6D, astro-modified
Samyang 24mm f/1.4 @ f/2
iOptron SkyTracker Pro
2 panel panorama, each a stack of 21 x 30s @ ISO1600, tracked
24 x 30s @ ISO1600
Copyright: Ralf Rohner
Sinus Iridum to Plato
Image Description and Details :
Sinus Imbrium to PlatoSinus Iridum (“Bay of Rainbows”) to crater Plato on the northwestern rim of Mare Imbrium. Out in the lava sea, Montes Recti (“Straight Range”) points toward Montes Teneriffe just below Plato (“Tenerife Mountains”, as in the Canary Islands. These isolated mountains form part of an inner impact uplift rim of Imbrium, gouged by an asteroid estimated at 236 km across.Santel MK-91 230 mm f/13 Maksutov-Cassegrain (FL 3,000 mm) on an AP 900 mount, from January 25, 2021. Camera: FLIR Grasshopper 2 GigE; Best 1,600 of 13,200 frames at 22 FPS, from Ossipee, New Hampshire.
Copyright: Robert Gillette
Image Description and Details :
I was able to photograph the iss again 4/2. I planned the shot about 3 weeks ago and with a little luck I was able to take it today at 4:41 pm. This is my 4x ISS transit photo, and every time I am fascinated and excited at the same time
Lunt LS80 DSII & Coronado BF30 Blockfilter
Rainbow RST-135
Hutech Hinode Solar Guider
Meade Series 5000 2x Barlow
Copyright: Mehmet Ergün