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M42 and IC 434 widefield in Narrowband

Image Description and Details :

This image shows the Orion Nebula, De Mairan’s Nebula, the Horsehead Nebula and the Flame Nebula. It was taken with a small refractor telescope from the city. For this, narrowband filters were used and long exposure times helped reveal a lot of gas and dust all around the nebulae. The color was achieved by combining the narrowband channels into a “OHS” combination. This is rarely done and gives this part of the sky a unique look. Other combinations (Hubble Palette or true color) did not really make the objects pop as much. I believe the OHS combination is the best when it comes to imaging this section of the sky in narrowband only, although it is either you love it or you hate it!

Copyright: Antoine and Dalia Grelin

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