AAPOD2 Image Archives
The Keyhole Nebula and Mystic Mountain in the Carina Nebula
Image Description and Details :
In the southern skies there is a nebula four times larger than the Orion nebula called the Keel or Carina nebula, NGC 3372. It is an emission nebula that is located about 8,500 light years from Earth in the arm of Carina Sagitarius of the Milky Way.Inside the Nebula there are very interesting objects such as the star Eta Carinae with a size around 150 times the Sun, the Mystic Mountain in the center that are pillars of dust and gas, and up between the great star and the mountain the Keyhole nebula a dark area of dust.The image is made from a 20" remote telescope located in Namibia with a monochrome camera with H alpha and OIII filters. It is almost four hours processed in a HOO palette with Pixinsight and PS.The photo is a cutout of the full frame format