AAPOD2 Image Archives
ISS Solar Transit
This image shows the transit of ISS over the Sun captured from Bengaluru, India on 29-Jan-2021. The transit was captured at 60fps - so you can actually estimate the transit time by counting the number of stations you see - roughly 39/60 of a second. All frames of the station have been merged with a stacked image of the sun from the same video as the station capture (50% of ~9000 frames).Equipment: iOptron CEM25P, GSO 6 Inch F5 Newt, Baader Solar Filter, Nikon 1 J5Software: PIPP, Autostakkert, Registax, Gimp
Copyright: Vineeth Kaimal
Southern Hemisphere
This portion of the Milky Way in the southern hemisphere is very rich in nebulae and some star clusters, my favorite constellation "The southern cross" with its beautiful stars (Acrux, Mimosa, Gacrux and Imai) are the 4 main stars that they form this constellation which serves to find the south cardinal point by moving the central axis of the "cross" 3 and a half times.
We can also see the nebula of the keel or eta carina and below the cross the sack of coal or head of the "Choique" as the Mapuches knew it.
While taking these photos I was able to observe the passage of the International Space Station next to some Russian polar orbit satellites in the province of Rio Negro.
Nikon D 850 camera, 3x 25 ". Iso 6400 nikon 24-120 f4 lens
Copyright: Ariel Maderna
ISS Transit on the Moon
Image Description and Details : Ocotlán Jalisco MéxicoTakahashi FS60ZWO ASI120MC-SSky-Watcher Star Adventurer15 Frames de la ISSCaptura: FirecaptureProcesado: Autostakkert + Ps + Pixinsight 1.8Guillermo Cervantes MosquedaObservatorio Astronómico AltaírOcotlán Jalisco México
Copyright Information: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Crew Dragon docked with the International Space Station
Crew Dragon docked with the International Space Station, can be seen Crew Dragon DM-2, HTV-9 and Progress 75.
2020-06-01 21:16.9 UT
SW Maksutov 180
Altair Sabre V2 mount, manual tracking
Date Image was taken: 6/1/2020
Copyright: Antonio Vilchez Muñoz
ISS over Santiago -Chile
Both images were captured after sunset from videos recorded, while manually guiding through the Telrad finder of my 11" f/5 dobsonian telescope. I reviewed the videos and extracted the useful frames with PIPP, then I stacked the 10 to 15 best frames in Autostakkert 3. Finally I used Registax 6 to sharpen a bit the stacked image.
For the second image I used a 2x barlow for a better image scale. The same processing procedure was applied to get the final image.
Copyright: Rodrigo Carvajal Aravena
ISS transit over the Moon
(ISS) International Space Station transiting the Moon
Captured: April 3rd, 2020: 9.06 pm (GMT+2)
Tecnosky APO Triplet 80/480 FPL53
ZWO ASI294MC Pro @45fps