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ISS Solar Transit
Description: Captured with extraordinary precision and timing, the image showcases the International Space Station (ISS) gracefully gliding across the blazing disk of the sun. Against the backdrop of the sun's fiery corona, the ISS appears as a delicate silhouette, a masterpiece of human engineering juxtaposed against the awe-inspiring forces of the universe.
Dragon ISS Docking Transit
Planned 2 weeks ago, 35KG equipment, about 300 KM by car, about 10 hours of time .. Everything only for 1 second!
Today's ISS Transit (April 25, 2021)
DayStar Gemini, FlatCap
SharpStar 121SDQ
Rainbow RST-135
Baader D-ERF
TS 0,5 2" Reducer
Hinode Solar Guider
Location: Einöd / Germany
Date: 04/25/2021 11:29 UTC+2
Copyright: Mehmet Ergün
ISS Solar Transit
This image shows the transit of ISS over the Sun captured from Bengaluru, India on 29-Jan-2021. The transit was captured at 60fps - so you can actually estimate the transit time by counting the number of stations you see - roughly 39/60 of a second. All frames of the station have been merged with a stacked image of the sun from the same video as the station capture (50% of ~9000 frames).Equipment: iOptron CEM25P, GSO 6 Inch F5 Newt, Baader Solar Filter, Nikon 1 J5Software: PIPP, Autostakkert, Registax, Gimp
Copyright: Vineeth Kaimal