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2021, February 2021 Jason Matter 2021, February 2021 Jason Matter

The Eclectic NGC 6726 Region of Corona Australis

Image Description and Details :

Just below the teapot of Sagittarius in Corona Australis lies a strikingly-beautiful region containing several objects of widely differing ages and distances. Exquisite blue reflection nebulae (NGC 6726/27), lit by the embedded bright stars TY CrA and HD 176386, and IC 4812 (HD 176269 and 176270) appear to be connected by wispy blue filaments that span the dust lane SL-41. Nearly 200 lys closer than those stars, the wing-shaped nebula (NGC 6729) below those filaments is energized by the 310 ly distant R CrA. Closer still is the bright blue eclipsing binary star at the upper right, epsilon CrA, at 102 lys, which along with the far more distant globular cluster NGC 6723 span the "depth" of this 53-arcmin x 53-arcmin scene. The image was made using ten minute guided exposures taken through red, green and blue filters by an unbinned FLI ProLine 16803 camera mounted on Chilescope’s 0.5-m Telescope 2, which were stacked for 1-hr; north is left, and east is down.

Copyright Information: Hal Heaton

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Anteater Nebula - NGC 6726

NGC 6726/6727 and IC 4812 are blue reflection nebulae, where bright stars are embedded in a large cloud of dust which reflects the blue light of the stars. NGC 6729 is a butterfly-shaped emission/reflection object that is a variable nebula, powered by the irregular variable star, R Coronae Australis (R CrA). R CrA was discovered about 100 years ago. HH objects are shown as delicate, small arcs of glowing gas.
Chilescope T2 Stacked in PI , Processed n Ps

Copyright: Zhuoqun Wu & Utkarsh mishra

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