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Cometary Globule CG12 & NGC 5367
Image Description and Details :
NGC 5367 is a reflection nebula associated with the cometary globule CG12 in the Centaurus constellation. Dicovered in 1976 on an ESO/SRC Sky Survey plate taken with the UK Schmidt telescope, CG12 is in contrast to the most other Cometary Globules, because it is far away from the galactic disk.The nebula NGC 5367 (also catalogued as IC 4347) reflects light from two bluish stars of the binary system h4636 (the stars are from spectral type B4 and B7).Location: El Sauce Observatory, Rio Hurtado, ChileDates of Capture July & August 2020L 23 x 1200secR 15 x 1200secG 15 x 1200secB 16 x 1200secOptics: Planewave 17“ CDK @ F6.8Mount: Paramount MECCD: SBIG STXL-11002 (AOX)Pre Processing: CCDstack & PixinsightPost Processing: Photoshop CC
Copyright Information:
Data acquisition: Martin PUGHProcessing: Nicolas ROLLAND
The dance of the Antennae Galaxies
Image Description and Details : This picture shows the Antennae galaxies (Caldwell 60-61), a pair of interacting spiral galaxies in the constellation Corvus. The blue hue represents a star forming regions.
Date image was taken: 3/8/2020
Scope: Planewave CDK17
Mount: Paramount ME
Integration time: 27.1 hours
Filters: 22*1200s (L), 15*1200s (R); 15*1200s (G), 16*1200s (B), 9*1800s (Ha)
Location: Chile
Copyright Information: Data acquisition by Martin Pugh
Processing by Nicolas Rolland