AAPOD2 Image Archives

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2021, December 2021 Jason Matter 2021, December 2021 Jason Matter

Flaming Star Nebula in SHO

Image Description and Details :

Imaging telescopes or lenses: Skywatcher 130PDSImaging cameras: ZWO ASI294MM ProMounts: Synta Sky-Watcher EQ6-r PROGuiding telescopes or lenses: Artesky 70/400 mmGuiding cameras: ZWO ASI290MM MiniFocal reducers: Sky-Watcher Coma corrector 0.9xSoftware: N.I.N.A. Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy · Astro Pixel Processor · PixInshight · PHD2Filters: Astronomik 31mm 6nm SII Astronomik 6nm SII · Astronomik 31mm 6nm OIII Astronomik 6nm OIII · Astronomik 31mm 6nm Ha Astronomik 6nm HaAccessory: Pegasus power box micro · ZWO Off-Axis Guider · ASI ZWO EAF (Electronic Automatic Focuser) · ZWO 8x 1.25" Filter Wheel (EFW) ZWO 8X EFWDates:24 Nov 2021 , 25 Nov 2021 , 3 Dec 2021Frames:Astronomik 31mm 6nm Ha Astronomik 6nm Ha: 57x300" (4h 45') (gain: 120.00) -10C bin 2x2Astronomik 31mm 6nm OIII Astronomik 6nm OIII: 22x300" (1h 50') (gain: 120.00) -10C bin 2x2Astronomik 31mm 6nm SII Astronomik 6nm SII: 48x300" (4h) (gain: 120.00) -10C bin 2x2Integration: 10h 35'Darks: 30Flats: 20Flat darks: 20Avg. Moon age: 22.72 daysAvg. Moon phase: 49.61%Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 5.00Mean SQM: 20.25Temperature: -3.67

Copyright: Sorin Crisan

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2021, April 2021 Jason Matter 2021, April 2021 Jason Matter

Widefield Auriga

Image Description and Details :

This was shot over the course of 18 nights, spanning 4 months (winter skies in Nashville aren't the greatest). The Canon lens was @ f/4.

The real challenge with this photo came from the Spaghetti Nebula (aka SH2-240, Simeis 147). It's incredibly dim and barely shows up in a single 20 minute sub, which is in stark contrast to brightness of the Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405, SH 2-229, or Caldwell 31) and Tadpoles Nebula (IC 410, NGC 1893). I had to process this as HDR so that they appeared to have the same brightness.

Imaging lens: Canon EF 85 mm f/1.8 USM
Imaging cameras: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro
Mounts: Sky-Watcher EQ6R-PRO
Guiding telescopes or lenses: ZWO Mini Guide Scope
Guiding cameras: ZWO ASI290MM Mini
Software: Pleiades Astrophoto PixInisight · Photoshop CC
Filters: Optlong L-eXtreme 2" · Optolong L-eNhance 2"
Accessory: ZWO AsiAir Pro

Dec. 10, 2020, Dec. 11, 2020, Dec. 13, 2020, Dec. 18, 2020, Dec. 21, 2020, Dec. 22, 2020, Jan. 6, 2021, Jan. 13, 2021, Jan. 14, 2021, Feb. 4, 2021, Feb. 8, 2021, March 4, 2021, March 5, 2021, March 7, 2021, March 8, 2021, March 9, 2021, March 10, 2021, March 11, 2021

Optolong L-Pro 2'': 40x15" (gain: 100.00) -10C bin 1x1
Optolong L-Pro 2'': 40x30" (gain: 100.00) -10C bin 1x1
Optolong L-Pro 2'': 40x60" (gain: 100.00) -10C bin 1x1
Optolong L-eNhance 2": 143x1200" (gain: 100.00) -10C bin 1x1
Optolong L-eXtreme 2": 56x1200" (gain: 100.00) -10C bin 1x1

Integration: 67.5 hours

Darks: ~40

Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 8.00

Copyright: Jeffrey Horne

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