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Spitzkoppe Arch

Image Description and Details : The Spitzkoppe, or the "Matterhorn of Namibia", is a group of bald granite peaks located between Usakos and Swakopmund in the Namib desert of Namibia. More than 120 million years old, the highest outcrop rises about 1700mtrs above sea level. Many examples of Bushmen artwork can be seen painted on the rocks in the Spitzkoppe area though many of them have been destroyed. The Spitzkoppe Mountains were also the filming location for 2001: A Space Odyssey in the "Dawn of Man" sequences.

The rock arch seen here is also a well-known formation and has featured in many a composition and to photograph the arch, one has to camp inside the reserve as the gates are closed at night. Behind and to the left of the arch is the Spitzkoppe peak while to the right I think is the Pontos range. In the sky we can see the North American nebula and the Sadr region showing off their hydrogen gases and the Andromeda Galaxy puts in an appearance on the right, in an orientation we Northerners are not used to seeing….

Camera = Nikon D850 H-alpha mod
Lens = Nikon 14-24mm, Zeiss Otus 55mm
Sky Exposure = 10secs, f2, iso 6400, 18 panels
Ground Exposure = 480 secs, f2.8, iso 800, light painted
Software = PtGui, Pixinsight, Lightroom, Photoshop, Luminar Neo

Copyright: vikas chander

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