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2024, June 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, June 2024 Charles Lillo

The Cat's Eye Galaxy

Messier 94 (NGC 4736) is a striking spiral galaxy located approximately 16 million light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici. This galaxy is known for its bright, star-forming ring, which surrounds a prominent central region. The ring is an area of intense star formation, giving M94 its unique and vibrant appearance. The galaxy's tightly wound spiral arms and bright nucleus make it a popular target for both professional and amateur astronomers.

One of the interesting features of M94 is its classification as a double-ringed galaxy, with an inner ring of young, hot stars and an outer ring that is more diffuse. The galaxy's inner region is dominated by older stars and shows little evidence of star formation. The distinct rings are thought to be caused by waves of density propagating through the galaxy, compressing gas and triggering star formation as they go. This fascinating structure offers valuable insights into the dynamics of spiral galaxies and the processes that drive star formation.

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2023, August 2023 Charles Lillo 2023, August 2023 Charles Lillo

The Barnard's Galaxy and IFN

Barnard's Galaxy (NGC 6822) takes center stage in this image. Amidst a backdrop of scattered star clusters and other celestial marvels, this capture unveils an elusive wonder known as the Integrated Flux Nebula (IFN). This delicate luminosity originates from the interstellar medium within our own Milky Way galaxy. Capturing the IFN's faint presence stands as a substantial challenge, demanding precise processing techniques, and optimal conditions of a dark night sky. This image provides an opportunity to peer into the intricate interplay between stars, gas, and dust that fills the expanse of interstellar space.

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February 2022, 2022 Jason Matter February 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

The Foxy Nebula

Image Description and Details :

In this image of the Cone and Fox fur Nebulas, I've tried to make it as deep as possible within the available time. The Ha stands out all around the FOV and the Oiii shows quite well permeating the image. It was assembled as HOO in a somewhat unusual rendition for this object, one of my favorites.Shot at Barcarena, Portugal (Bortle 7-8), from 18th to 24th January, and processed in PixInsight.Frames:Ha: 150 x 5 minO3: 110 x 5 minRGB: 3 x 20 x 1 minTotal integration: 23 hoursTechnical details:Telescope: TS Optics Triplet APO 800/115Flatenner: TS Optics 3'' 0.79xMount: SW EQ6-R ProCamera: QHYCCD 268MFilters: Baader Ha 8.5nm and Oiii 7.0 nm. Optolong RGB.

Copyright: André Vilhena

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September 2021, 2021 Jason Matter September 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

The Alpha and Omega

Image Description and Details : This cosmic landscape depicts Sh2-115 and Abell 71, the first an emission nebula and the latter a planetary nebula. Or, in other words, the birth and the death of stars - hardly anything else more meaningfull to us.

Image shot in narrowband, 13 hours in Ha and 22 hours in O3, during July and August 2021, being the last frame of Aug.19th. Equipment as follows:
Telescope: TS PhotoLine Triplet APO 115/800mm
Camera: QHYCCD 163M
Filters: Baader OIII 8.5nm 36mm · Baader Ha 7nm 36mm
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro · Skywatcher AZ EQ5-GT

Copyright: André Vilhena

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