The Foxy Nebula
Image Description and Details :
In this image of the Cone and Fox fur Nebulas, I've tried to make it as deep as possible within the available time. The Ha stands out all around the FOV and the Oiii shows quite well permeating the image. It was assembled as HOO in a somewhat unusual rendition for this object, one of my favorites.
Shot at Barcarena, Portugal (Bortle 7-8), from 18th to 24th January, and processed in PixInsight.
Ha: 150 x 5 min
O3: 110 x 5 min
RGB: 3 x 20 x 1 min
Total integration: 23 hours
Technical details:
Telescope: TS Optics Triplet APO 800/115
Flatenner: TS Optics 3'' 0.79x
Mount: SW EQ6-R Pro
Camera: QHYCCD 268M
Filters: Baader Ha 8.5nm and Oiii 7.0 nm. Optolong RGB.
Copyright: André Vilhena
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