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ic405/ic410/ngc1931- 3 panels mosaic
Image Description and Details :
3 images are combined (32% original size)image 1 : 3 panels mosaic (taken with e-180/ASI094MC)image 2 and 3 : high resolution images (taken with RC10/SX-H694)Date : 8Dec.2021 -16 Dec.2021Place : Gemini Remote Observatory, Lijiang, Yunnan, ChinaTelescope : Tak e-180 ,Mount : Skywatcher EQ8Camera : ZWO ASI094MC(-10ºC ) ,Filters : Baader Ha,LExposure : panel 1 (ic 405 /upper ) L: 180sx 44 , Ha:900sx 6panel 2 (ic 410/ middle) L: 180sx 42 , Ha:900sx4panel 3 (ic 417/ngc1931 lower) L: 180sx 50 , Ha:900sx6(total~ 10.8hr)Guiding : Borg 50 / asi174 ,Image Processing : PI ,PS-CC
Copyright: Alan Van
Flaming Star Nebula in SHO
Image Description and Details :
Imaging telescopes or lenses: Skywatcher 130PDSImaging cameras: ZWO ASI294MM ProMounts: Synta Sky-Watcher EQ6-r PROGuiding telescopes or lenses: Artesky 70/400 mmGuiding cameras: ZWO ASI290MM MiniFocal reducers: Sky-Watcher Coma corrector 0.9xSoftware: N.I.N.A. Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy · Astro Pixel Processor · PixInshight · PHD2Filters: Astronomik 31mm 6nm SII Astronomik 6nm SII · Astronomik 31mm 6nm OIII Astronomik 6nm OIII · Astronomik 31mm 6nm Ha Astronomik 6nm HaAccessory: Pegasus power box micro · ZWO Off-Axis Guider · ASI ZWO EAF (Electronic Automatic Focuser) · ZWO 8x 1.25" Filter Wheel (EFW) ZWO 8X EFWDates:24 Nov 2021 , 25 Nov 2021 , 3 Dec 2021Frames:Astronomik 31mm 6nm Ha Astronomik 6nm Ha: 57x300" (4h 45') (gain: 120.00) -10C bin 2x2Astronomik 31mm 6nm OIII Astronomik 6nm OIII: 22x300" (1h 50') (gain: 120.00) -10C bin 2x2Astronomik 31mm 6nm SII Astronomik 6nm SII: 48x300" (4h) (gain: 120.00) -10C bin 2x2Integration: 10h 35'Darks: 30Flats: 20Flat darks: 20Avg. Moon age: 22.72 daysAvg. Moon phase: 49.61%Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 5.00Mean SQM: 20.25Temperature: -3.67
Copyright: Sorin Crisan
Image Description and Details : Telescope: FSQ-106ED
Camera: QSI 583ws
Guide: EZG-60 - ZWO ASI 120 MC
Exposure: 42 x 10 MIN LUM, 11 X 5 MIN RED B2, 11 X 5 MIN GREEN B2, 11 X 5 MIN BLUE B2,10 X 10 MIN H-ALPHA
Copyright: César Blanco
Tadpoles and Flaming Star Nebulae
Image Description and Details :
The Tadpoles Nebula (IC410) and Flaming Star Nebula in the Constellation of Auriga.I took this HaSHO image last week on a very rare almost clear night. In fact it was the clearest night in northern Vermont since last July!. Rather than completing some earlier projects I thought I’d shoot something entirely new, and go for these subjects as they (almost) fit on the same frame at 620mm focal length..The Tadpoles Nebula is so called due to the two light colored tadpole shaped dust and gas clouds that look like they are swimming upwards to the center of the nebula. These are star forming regions, similar to the famous “Pillars of creation” imaged by Hubble in the Eagle Nebula.To get an idea of scale each tadpole is 10 light years long!, more than twice the distance the earth is from its nearest stellar neighbor, Proxima Centauri.To the left is the Flaming Star nebula ( IC 405) which surrounds the variable star AE Aurigae. AE Aurigae is a “runaway” star ejected from gravitational perturbations in the Orion Nebula more than 2 million years ago.Its interesting to note that although these two nebulae appear close together the flaming star is 1500 Light years distant, whereas the Tadpoles Nebula is 12,000 lightyears away and over 100 light years across.This image is processed in the “Hubble Palette where red is aligned with Sulphur emissions, Green with Hydrogen , and Blue with Oxygen .Tech Data : Celestron RASA 11”, CGX Mount, ZWO ASI 6200MMPro cooled (Mono) camera.Ha 12 x 5min, OIII 18 x 5 mins, SII 9 x 5 mins, darks, flats, bias framesSoftware: Stacked in DSS, Processed in Pixinsight and PS 2021
Copyright: Richard Whitehead