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June 2024, 2024 Charles Lillo June 2024, 2024 Charles Lillo

THE LEO TRIPLET - M65, M66 & NGC 3628

The Leo Triplet, also known as the M66 Group, is a stunning trio of interacting galaxies located about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. This group consists of the spiral galaxies M65, M66, and NGC 3628, each showcasing unique structural features due to their gravitational interactions. M65 and M66 are both bright and prominent, with well-defined spiral arms, while NGC 3628, also known as the Hamburger Galaxy, displays a striking dust lane cutting across its edge-on orientation.

These interactions have led to the formation of tidal tails and distortions in the galaxies' shapes, providing astronomers with valuable insights into galactic evolution and dynamics. The Leo Triplet is a popular target for amateur astronomers and astrophotographers due to its relatively close proximity and the fascinating interplay of its member galaxies, making it a prime example of the cosmic ballet occurring throughout the universe.

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May 2024, 2024 Charles Lillo May 2024, 2024 Charles Lillo

Leo Triplet with tidal tail

The Leo Triplet, also known as the M66 Group, is a stunning collection of three interacting spiral galaxies located about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. This trio comprises the galaxies M65, M66, and NGC 3628. The gravitational interactions between these galaxies create fascinating tidal features, most notably the prominent tidal tail extending from NGC 3628. This tail is composed of stars and gas pulled out from the galaxy due to the gravitational forces exerted by its neighbors.

In this image, the delicate structure of the tidal tail is beautifully captured, highlighting the dynamic nature of galactic interactions. The Leo Triplet offers a unique opportunity to observe the effects of gravitational forces on galaxy morphology and evolution. Detailed imaging and study of these features help astronomers understand the processes that shape galaxies and the role of tidal interactions in galactic development. Observing the Leo Triplet with such clarity provides not only a visually striking display but also a wealth of scientific insights into the mechanics of our universe.

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April 2021, 2021 Jason Matter April 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

Léo Trio

Image Description and Details :

The Leo Trio is a small cluster of interacting galaxies located about 35 million light years from Earth.On the left-hand side of the image, the near-vertical bar with a thin band of black dust represents the galaxy NGC 3628, magnitude 9.5, seen from the edge. It is also known as the Hamburger Galaxy.Messier objects M 65 (NGC 3623), magnitude 9.3, below the upper right-hand corner, and M 66 (NGC 3627), magnitude 8.9, to the left of the lower right-hand corner, are tilted enough for their spiral arms to be visible.This image was taken in Perche-Normandy France.The total acquisition time is 5h15 in L,R,G,B.The image was taken with a Newton 250-900 telescope (F/D 4), Moravian G2 4000 camera on EQ8 Skywatcher mount

Copyright: Francis Bozon

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