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Eclipse Lunar Secuence || May 15 2022
Image Description and Details : Moon Eclipse Secuence
Taken with Meade Lx200 EMC 12" f/6.3 and Canon T3i
Each moon are a composition of 2 images.
By RoberSoul & Gobierno del Estado de San Luis Potosi
Copyright: RoberSoul & Gobierno del Estado de San Luis Potosi
Partial Lunar Eclipse
Image Description and Details :
Celestron C5+Canon 60DExposure time: 2 secondsIso: 800F: 10Focal Lenght: 1250 mm.Process: Lightroom + PixinsightGuillermo Cervantes MosquedaObservatorio Astronómico AltaïrPoncitlán Jalisco México
Copyright: Guillermo Cervantes Mosqueda
Rho Ophiuchi and The Eclipse
Image Description and Details :
All of the data acquired to produce this image was shot during the Lunar eclipse's totality. The image was shot on the east coastline of New Zealand (Bortle 2) on the 26th of May 2021. This eclipse was special, not only because it occurred during a supermoon, but also because of its positioning in the night sky. Gear includes: Nikon Z6 and Rokinon 135mm F2, mounted on an iOptron Skyguider Pro. Exposure settings: Rho Ophiuchi - 16 x 30s, ISO 1600, F2.8. Lunar Surface: 1/5th of a second, ISO 1600, F2.8.
Copyright: Tom Rae
Transit of strawberry moon
The moon passes west to east through the earth's southern penumbral shadow. A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on 5 June 2020. It was the second of four penumbral lunar eclipses in 2020.
Image Description and Details :
Location Tabarca Island, Spain.
Composition of 4 photos for moon sequence.
made 6 km away from the island.
Camera réflex canon 5D MKIV, Sigma 150-600mm
Copyright Information: Jordi Coy
Lunar Eclipse (2019)
This is a sequence of the lunar eclipse 2019.
Santiago de Chile.
Reading from left to right, you can see how the Earth's shadow cone covers the lunar surface, until it is completely submerged in a reddish copper color. This particular color of lunar eclipses is due to the shadow cast by the sun on the earth, generating a scattering effect of the light refracted by its atmosphere.
Canon T6i
Telescope: Explore Scientific Triplet Aprochromatic Refractor ED 102 mm
Mount: IOptron iEQ 30 Pro
714 mm focal length
Multiple exposures: 1, 4 and 8 seconds
ISO 200 - 400
PIPP for align and Registax for stacking best frames.
Photoshop for sequence.
Copyright: Luis Rojas M.