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Messier 36
Image Description and Details :
Equipment used:Eq6 hypertune gen2 by DarkFrame LtdAltair Astro 6" RCAstro physics CCDT67 reducerQHYCCD QHY163M Coldmos, cooled at -20°C7x1.25" StarlightXpress USB filterwheelBaader 1.25" LRGB filtersQHYCCD QHY5L-IIM guide cameraTS09OAG off axis guiderQHYCCD Polemaster
Software used:Eqmod, SGP - Sequence Generator Pro, Stellarium with StellariumScope, SharpCap for polar alignment.Location:
Bushey, bortle 7Date: 28.10.2020;5x180sec
Luminance2x180sec for each R, G and BTotal integration time: 33 minutesGain 100, Offset 70
Calibration and stacking in APP, processed in Photoshop CC 2020
Copyright Information: Emil Andronic Photography