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M20 - NGC 6514 - The Trifid Nebula

Image Description and Details :

This is my image of the wonderful and iconic Trifid Nebula. It is about 4100 ly away and is 42 ly across.My 0.54 degree x 0.54 degree field of view, beautifully accommodates it.Capture details:Dates; 2021-04-22 to 2021-05-18Lights: 24.5 hours integrationLum: 32 x 600 secsRed: 23 x 600 secsGreen: 22 x 600 secsBlue: 22 x 600 secsBias: 35Darks: 35Flats: 20 per colour channel per camera changeThere are some very bright foreground stars, which I decided not to reduce too much through Morphological Transformation, as compositionally I feel they add a lot to the image. My image scale and advantageous latitude, which means the object was at a good altitude throughout the imaging runs, plus generally decent seeing meant that good resolution of detail was possible. I was particularly pleased to resolve the stellar jet as imaged by the HST. This is a Herbog-Haro object numbered HH 399.

Copyright: Niall MacNeill

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