AAPOD2 Image Archives

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August 2022, 2022 Jason Matter August 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

Ngc 55

Image Description and Details : Object : NGC 55
Telescope : Planewave CDK17, Camera : SBIG STXL 11002, Tracking : Paramount
Location : Chile
Image processing software : Pixinsight, Photoshop

Total 43 hours 55 mins LRGB data

Copyright: Image captured : Martin Pugh
Image processing : Rocco Sung

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2022, February 2022 Jason Matter 2022, February 2022 Jason Matter

IC2944 The Running Chicken Nebula

Image Description and Details : 1) Telescope : Planewave CDK17, Camera : SBIG SXTL 11002 with AOX, Tracking : Paramount
2) Telescope : Riccardi-Honders 305, Camera : SBIG SXTL 16200, Tracking : Paramount
Location : Observatory EI Sauce, Chile / Australia

Total 44+ hours SHO data by CDK17 and RH305
Image processing : Pixinsight, Photoshop

Copyright: Image captured : Martin Pugh
Image processing : Rocco Sung

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July 2021, 2021 Jason Matter July 2021, 2021 Jason Matter


Image Description and Details : Object : IC4765
Data : LRGB 500:330:420:240, total 24 hours 50 minutes
Description : Galaxy Cluster in Pavo

Telescope : Planewave CDK 17, Camera : SBIG STXL 11002 with AOX, Tracking : Paramount ME
Location : Observatorio El Sauce, Chile
Image processing software : Pixinsight, Photoshop
Date last acquired the data : 14-Jul-2021

Copyright: Image captured : Martin Pugh
Image processing : Rocco Sung

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