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2022, January 2022 Jason Matter 2022, January 2022 Jason Matter

Sh2-132 in Hubble Palette

Image Description and Details : Sh2-132 is one of the 312 bright emission nebulae catalogued by Stewart Sharpless. This large area of emission nebula in the constellation Cepheus glows from the characteristic red light of ionized hydrogen. Sh2-132 is about 1,200 light years away. Dark patches within it are due to soot blocking out the light. There are also some prominent dark nebulae blocking out the light of the stars behind them outside the main area of Sh2-132.

Acquisition, focusing, and control of Paramount MX mount with N.I.N.A., TheSkyX and PHD2. Focus with Optec DirectSync motors and controller. Equipment control with PrimaLuce Labs Eagle 4 Pro computer. All pre-processing and processing in PixInsight. Acquired from my SkyShed in Guelph. Average transparency and seeing. Acquired November 23 – December 19, 2021, mostly under a moderately moonlit sky.

Sky-Watcher Esprit 150 f/7 refractor and QHY600M camera with Optolong H-alpha, O(III) and S(II) 3nm filters

Chrominance: Takahashi FSQ-106 ED IV @ f/5 and QHY367C Pro one-shot color camera with Optolong UV/IR filter.

Ha: 22 x 20m = 7hr20m
O3: 22 x 20m = 7hr20m
S2: 22 x 20m = 7hr20m
OSC: 123 x 5m = 10hr15m
Total: 22hr for narrowband image; 37hr45m for broadband/narrowband blend

Image scale 0.72 arc sec per pixel

Copyright: Ron Brecher (astrodoc.ca)

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2021, November 2021 Jason Matter 2021, November 2021 Jason Matter

Sh2-132 Lion Nebula

About two weeks ago, I processed a monochrome Hα image of this interesting object on the border of Cepheus and Lacerta. Last Monday the sky unexpectedly cleared. I decided to spend the night on acquiring OIII data to create an Hα-OIII-OIII false colour image, where Hα is assigned to the red channel, OIII to the blue channel and a mix of Hα and OIII to the green channel. Although it stayed clear all night, I only used the images captured before midnight. In the area in the Netherlands where I live, the sky severely brightens from midnight to dawn because horticulturalists are then allowed to ignite assimilation lights. Although the used OIII filter has a bandwidth of only 4nm, the light pollution caused by the glasshouse horticulture severely affects the quality (signal-to-noise ratio) of the images. I'll post a separate message to illustrate the difference in sky quality before and after midnight.

What's striking in (false) colour images of this object, is the conical beam that crosses in front of nebulas in the background. Here this beam has a cyan hue in front of yellow/orange nebulas.

Exposure time: 16 hours, 10 minutes (141x 300" Hα, 53x 300" OIII) | Optics: Takahashi ε-180ED f/2.8 | Camera: ZWO ASI294MM Pro (B 2x2, G 120, T -15 °C) | Acquisition: ZWO ASIair Pro | Filters: Baader Planetarium Ultra-Highspeed | Mount: Astro-Physics Mach1 GTO | Location: Zoetermeer, Netherlands | Date: 27 & 28 October and 8 November 2021

Pre-processing in Astro Pixel Processor, post-processing in Adobe Photoshop.

Copyright: Maurice Toet

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October 2021, 2021 Jason Matter October 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

SH2-132 Lion Nebula

Image Description and Details : Sh2-132 or Lion Nebula, is a nebula of relatively weak emission located at about 10 000 light-years, at the border of Cepheus/Lacerta.
About 22 hours of exposure from Montreal, Bortle 9
Chroma 3nm filters

Copyright: Jonathan Durand

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2021, September 2021 Jason Matter 2021, September 2021 Jason Matter

Sharpless 132 - The Lion Nebula

Sharpless 132 is a very faint emission type nebula on the Cepheus/Lacerta border. It lies at a degree southeast of Epsilon Cep, and has a size of about 40 arc minutes.

Sh2-132 is located at about 10400 light years in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way , in the region of Cepheus OB1, a large, bright OB association . The stars responsible for the ionization of its gases are very hot and massive; in particular, two Wolf-Rayet stars , known by the initials HD and HD 211 564 211 853 (the latter also having the initials WR 153), as well as a star of spectral class O8.5V and a dozen stars of class B.

Equipment used:


AstroTech 106LE with upgraded Moonlite focuser

TSFlat 2" field flattener

ASI294MM Pro Cmos camera, cooled at - 15°C

8x1.25" ZWO USB filterwheel

Chroma 3nm 1.25" Ha, Oiii ans Sii filters

Qhyccd QHY5L-IIM guide camera

9x50mm finder-guider

Qhyccd Polemaster

Software used:

Eqmod, SGP - Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2, Stellarium with stellariumScope, SharpCap for polar alignment

Date: 01.06 to 15.07.2021

Location: Bushey, bortle 7

Ha: 80x300sec Bin 2x2, Gain 200 Offset 10

Oiii: 60x300sec Bin 2x2, Gain 200 Offset 10

Sii: 50x300sec Bin 2x2, Gain 200 Offset 10

Total integration time 15 hours and 50 minutes

Stacked in AstroPixel Processor and processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop CC 2021

Copyright: Emil Andronic

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July 2021, 2021 Jason Matter July 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

SH2-132 (Lion Nebula)

Image Description and Details :

SH2-132 SHO 2 Panel Mosaik (Lionnebula)
One night with each Filter and Panel.
Zwo Asi 1600mm Pro
UNC8" F4 (800mm)
600mm Guidescope and the Zwo Asi120mm for guiding.
Mount SW EQ6 Pro.
All together 18h integration time
Subframes 600sec Gain 139 -15C .
Flats Darks Darkflats
Software: N.I.N.A PHD Pixinsight Photoshop
Imaged in west germany under bortle 4 Sky.

Copyright: Frank Föhles

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