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Sunspot Nº2814 with a dual process
Image Description and Details :
This cycle 25 started powerfull, but this days there are not much activity. A little group of 3 subgroups are now active, so I grabbed the equipment and go to shoot it. Testing processing options, I discover a way to enhance the faculaes, so I made a dual proccesed image of the sunspot and full disk.Tube: SkyWatcher ED 72/420 with a Baader Astrosolar OD 5.0 filter.Camera: QHY 294CFilters: Zwo IR/UV cut and Baader Solar Continuum Mount: SkyWatcher AZ-GTI over a Manfrotto 055 tripod.Barlow: GSO 2.5x.
Copyright: Enol Matilla
The Journey of AR12794-2795
Image Description and Details :
This image is a blend of 9 images taken on 9 days from 25.12.2020 to 02.01.2021. This shows how the sunspot AR12794 and AR12795 moves along the solsr disk due to Sun’s rotation. Also noticable is the change in thr apparent size of the sunspots where AR12795 ultimately becomes a faculae. The photo was taken with Nikon D5600, Sigma 150-600c and Thousand Oaks Solar Filter (white light). Post-processed via PIPP, Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop.
Copyright: Soumyadeep Mukherjee