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Image Description and Details :
After several weeks of a bad weather, the last night i am able to found good seeing conditions. The North Polar region results to be quite bright. The bright pole extends up to - 45°N. No relevant atmospheric activity in its upper layer clouds has been observed. Currently the Ice Giant planet is located about 19.7AU (2.95 bilion km) from the Earth.The false color image is only for aesthetic reasons.Setup: C14 EDGE HD, Fornax52 mount, ASI 290MM, Barlow Zeiss, Baader R+IR610nm.Below some Planet data:Solar Longitude Ls: 44°Declination of Earth De: +52.3°Diameter: 3.6 arc sec Agerola-Amalfitan Coast-Italy
Copyright: Luigi Morrone
planetary tour
Grand tour of the outer planets from my backyard. Shot over the last 12 months with the fabulous Astro Physics 10" f/14.5 Mak-cass telescope and the QHY5III-462C color cmos camera. 37 degrees N. 100 ft el. Seeing can be very good at times.
Copyright: John Gleason
Solar System 2020
This is a collage of solar system objects Left to right: Mercury, Venus(in a very thin crescent phase), International Space Station, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Wanning gibbous Moon on the top(19-panel mosaic), and Sun at the bottom(4-panel mosaic) all Captured in 2020 using Different equipment.
Telescopes: GSO 16" Dob on EQ platform, EdgeHD11", Esprit 80mmAPO
Cameras: ZWO462MC, ZWO 290MC, ZWO1600mmpro.
Accessories: ZWO UV/IR Cut filter, IR 685nm filter, ZWO ADC, Daystar quark Chromosphere, Tilt adaptor.
Software: Autostakkert!3, Registax, Photoshop
Location: Sharjah, UAE
Date: Jan - Dec 2020
Copyright: Prabhu S Kutti
Solar System
Image Description and Details :
Records of the Solar System that I performed in 2020With the exception of the Moon and Mars (as they would be too small), the other objects in the image are (approximately) proportional to their actual size.Sky-Watcher 203mm F/5 EQ5 reflector with Onstep, ASI 290MC, UV/IR Cut filter, Barlow Tele Vue 3x (Planets), Thousand Oaks Solar Filter (Sun).
Copyright: Maicon Lopes Nunes