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Venus through Twilight Colors
The transition from twilight to night is depicted, spanning approximately 26 minutes at this latitude.
This image is a combination of photographs taken over three days—October 30, October 31, and November 2.
A collection of Venus images taken from my observatory in the period April-July 2022.
The images combine Infrared, 820-920nm, and Ultraviolet, 320-380nm, data.
A Cloud discontinuity is also visible in one of the images.
The setup used:C14 Edge HD, Fornax52 mount, ASI 290mono, FFC Badder Barlow, Baader UV320-380nm, Baader SLOAN z-s'820-920nm.
Agerola-Amalfitan Coast-Italy
Copyright: Luigi Morrone
occultation vénus by moon
Image Description and Details : I have taken this picture on Réunion Island, I used my C11 with asi224mc. the phenomenon was very low, 10 degrees above the horizon only. I had to prepare my shooting location well, between roofs, relay antenna and palm trees.
Copyright: Quentin Gineys
Venus Bicolor
Image Description and Details : My first Venus images of this elongation taken in the early morning under quite good seeing conditions. Interesting cloud features in the infrared and ultraviolet band can be seen
Setup:C14 Edge HD, Fornax52 mount, ASI 290mono, FFC Badder Barlow, IR1000-1050nm, Baader UV320-380nm, Astronomik IR807nm
Agerola-Amalfitan Coast-Italy
Copyright: luigi morrone
Solar System 2020
This is a collage of solar system objects Left to right: Mercury, Venus(in a very thin crescent phase), International Space Station, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Wanning gibbous Moon on the top(19-panel mosaic), and Sun at the bottom(4-panel mosaic) all Captured in 2020 using Different equipment.
Telescopes: GSO 16" Dob on EQ platform, EdgeHD11", Esprit 80mmAPO
Cameras: ZWO462MC, ZWO 290MC, ZWO1600mmpro.
Accessories: ZWO UV/IR Cut filter, IR 685nm filter, ZWO ADC, Daystar quark Chromosphere, Tilt adaptor.
Software: Autostakkert!3, Registax, Photoshop
Location: Sharjah, UAE
Date: Jan - Dec 2020
Copyright: Prabhu S Kutti
Planetary Imaging 2020
Image Description and Details : The images have been acquired during the period February-October.For Jupiter and Saturn was a challenge since the planets were located about 26° above to the horizon.Setup used:C14 Edge HD Fornax52 mount ASI 178/290 mono Barlow Zeiss Baader filters RGB & IR>807nm IR>610nm UV320-380nm with ADC ZWO.
Copyright Information: Luigi Morrone
Winds on Venus
Using the same gear as yesterday, the N150/750, the motorized filter wheel, the green and Calcium K line filters and the cooled ASI 178MM, all guided by the soapbox, I imaged Venus. On this day the atmosphere was kind enough to allow me to photograph not only a still, but also the movement, even though the second frame shows a considerable decrease in details.
Copyright: Pál Váradi Nagy
Phases of Venus
The phases of Venus are the variations of lighting seen on the planet's surface, similar to lunar phases. The first recorded observations of them are thought to have been telescopic observations by Galileo Galilei in 1610.
Touch of Venus
I share you a picture who represents for me the link between humans on the ground and stars in the sky. Indeed, I'm located at one of the best sky of the world to practice astronomy.
We can see my figure touching a star. Well, this is not a star but the planet Venus.
Venus the second planet from the Sun and the third brightest object in Earth's sky after the Sun and Moon. It is sometimes referred to as the sister planet to Earth, because their size and mass are so similar. The surface of Venus is hidden by an opaque layer of clouds which are formed from sulfuric acid. The planet is named for Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty and is the second largest terrestrial planet.
On April 9, 2020 this beautiful image of Venus was taken the atmosphere is clearly visible and nice cloud shapes in the UV band can be seen.
Solar System
Captured in a single day
Jupiter and Mars are in color with a 2xBarlow and Venus in UV and Mercury in IR in prime focus (2x enlarged).
Celestron 11" EdgeHD f/10 (f/20 for Mars & Jupiter) ASI290MC AVX mount
Copyright: Eric Sussenbach