IC 4592 Blue Horsehead Nebula

IC 4592 Blue Horsehead Nebula

Image Title: IC 4592 Blue Horsehead Nebula

Copyright: Frank Wiebkin

Date image was taken: June 02, 2024

Location: Kiripotib astrofarm Namibia

Image Description and Details: IC 4592 The Blue Horsehead Nebula
L 30 x 120 sec.
R 20 x 300 sec.
G 20 x 300 sec.
B 20 x 300 sec.
Total 6 h

Equipment Details: Takahashi FSQ 106 with 0,72x Reducer
380mm focal length f/3,6
Esatto 4“ Motorfocuser
Camera QHY268M with Antlia V-Pro Filter
Mount Skywatcher EQ6R
Processing in PI & PS

Name: Frank Wiebking

Charles Lillo

I’ve been a dedicated to Squarespace fan for 20 years. Love the product, people and company.


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