Wolfs Den Nebula

The Wolf’s Den Nebula

This image, shot during May to July 2024, shows a heavily crowded are in constellation Cepheus, with a blend of several nebula types. In the center, pillars of dust create a wormlike structure called LDN 1217, which ends in a bluish reflexion nebula (VdB 152). In the background, more dark nebulas can be seen, in some parts being lit by hot blue giants stars. In this area, it partially blocks the red light coming from the Ha strands farther away, which impairs the sense of perspective.

Shot at Trevinca, ES on May, June and July 2024

Technical details as follows:

R: 125x180''

G: 139x180''

B: 130x180''

L: 266x120’’

Ha: 326 x 300''

Oiii: 69 x 300’’

Total Integration: 61h29

SW EQ6-R Pro | TS Optics Triplet APO 800/115 | TS Optics TSFLAT2 0.79x | QHYCCD 268M | Optolong LRGB | Astronomik Ha 6 nm | RBFocus Gaius-S | RBFocus Myrrdin 2.3

Capture: N.I.N.A.; Processing: PixInsight

copyright: the cosmic arena


Pelican Nebula


Iris Nebula