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2024, March 2024 Charles Lillo 2024, March 2024 Charles Lillo

The Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex

The Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex, nestled within the constellation of Scorpius, unfolds as a sprawling cosmic tapestry of gas, dust, and stellar nurseries. Named after the prominent star Rho Ophiuchi that illuminates its midst, this complex of interstellar clouds offers astronomers a captivating glimpse into the process of star formation and the dynamics of the galactic ecosystem.

Stretching across vast expanses of space, the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex presents a rich array of celestial phenomena, including reflection nebulae, dark nebulae, and young stellar objects. Within its ethereal embrace, dense clouds of gas and dust give birth to new stars, while the intense radiation from nearby luminous stars illuminates the surrounding nebulae with a warm, otherworldly glow.

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2021, June 2021 Jason Matter 2021, June 2021 Jason Matter

Rho Ophiuchi and The Eclipse

Image Description and Details :

All of the data acquired to produce this image was shot during the Lunar eclipse's totality. The image was shot on the east coastline of New Zealand (Bortle 2) on the 26th of May 2021. This eclipse was special, not only because it occurred during a supermoon, but also because of its positioning in the night sky. Gear includes: Nikon Z6 and Rokinon 135mm F2, mounted on an iOptron Skyguider Pro. Exposure settings: Rho Ophiuchi - 16 x 30s, ISO 1600, F2.8. Lunar Surface: 1/5th of a second, ISO 1600, F2.8.

Copyright: Tom Rae

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2021, January 2021 Jason Matter 2021, January 2021 Jason Matter


Image Description and Details :

Capture of images in the rural area of Monte Belo-MG - 32x5min on July 16, 2016 and in the rural area of São Romão-MG - 24x5min on July 13, 2018 with the Sigma 150mm Apo Macro DG-HSM F / 2.8 lens in F / 4 and Canon 5D Mark II camera - ISO 1600 - built-in piggy-back darks, flats and bias on the GSO RC 8 "telescope and NEQ6-pro mount.

Copyright Information: Irineu Felippe de Abreu Filho

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2020 Charles Lillo 2020 Charles Lillo

The Rho Ophiuchi Nebular Complex

The Rho Ophiuchi nebular complex is a gigantic cloud of stellar dust and gas located 460 light-years from Earth in the constellation Ophiuchus. It is one of the closest stellar nurseries to the our solar system and a favorite for astro-photographers using wide field equipment.

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