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2021, July 2021 Jason Matter 2021, July 2021 Jason Matter

The surroundings of the prawn nebula


Takahashi FS60c

ASI1600MM Pro

7 Position FW, 36mm

Feather Touch Starlight

Pegasus Astro


Astronomik Ha 6nm: 198 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Astronomik S2 6nm: 137 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Astronomik O3 6nm: 115 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Total exposure: approx. 52.5 hours


Colombari's Terrace, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

FAST · PSCS5 · Pixinsight

April - May - June 2021

Copyright: Roberto Colombari

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2021, May 2021 Jason Matter 2021, May 2021 Jason Matter


M83 is a barred spiral galaxy located 15.21 million light years from Earth in the southern constellation Hydra. With a diameter of about 55,000 light years, it is roughly half the size of the Milky Way. M83 is one of the nearest and brightest barred spirals in the sky.
One interesting feature of M83 is the high number of supernova's observed during the last century.
Newer generations of stars in M83 form mainly in clusters on the edges of the dark, spiraling dust lanes. These bright, young stellar groupings are only a few million years old and produce massive amounts of ultraviolet light. That light is absorbed by the surrounding diffuse gas clouds, causing them to glow in pinkish hydrogen light.
Imaged in LRGB and H alpha on our CDK 1000 at El Sauce (Obstech) in the Atacama Desert in Chile.
Image Processing: Roberto Colombari and Mike Selby
System control: Voyager by Leonardo Orazi

COPYRIGHT: [Mike Shelby][1]

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2021, March 2021 Jason Matter 2021, March 2021 Jason Matter

Tarantula nebula and beyond

Session automated with #FAST

Takahashi FS60c

ASI1600MM Pro

7 Position FW, 36mm

Feather Touch Starlight

Pegasus Astro


Astronomik Ha 6nm: 140 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Astronomik Ha 6nm: 10 ∙ 600s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Astronomik S2 6nm: 86∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Astronomik O3 6nm: 96 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Total exposure: ~39 hours


Colombari's Terrace, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

FAST · PSCS5 · Pixinsight

September - October - November - December 2020

January 2021

Copyright: Roberto Colombari

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2021, January 2021 Jason Matter 2021, January 2021 Jason Matter

Eta Carinae in HSO

Takahashi FS60c

ASI1600MM Pro

7 Position FW, 36mm

Feather Touch Starlight

Pegasus Astro


Astronomik Ha 6nm: 44 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Astronomik S2 6nm: 40 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1

Astronomik O3 6nm: 36 ∙ 420s (gain: 139.00) -10C bin 1x1


Colombari's Terrace, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

FAST · PSCS5 · Pixinsight

Copyright: Roberto Colombari

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter



I went deep on this one from my terrace here in Belo Horizonte collecting around 51.1 hours of data during the last 7 years:

SBIG8300 + FS60c:

Ha: 41·900s
L: 58·420s
RGB: (21, 21, 21)·420s

QHY168c + FS60c:

500·90s LPS-IDAS P2
278·180s L-Enhance

Acquisition: FAST
Processing: Pixinsight / PSCS5

Copyright: Roberto Colombari

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