AAPOD2 Image Archives
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Full Oppoltation (opposition + occultation)
Image Description and Details : Amazing event: full Moon, occultation, Mars opposition in one shot
Asi183mm asi290mc
Composition of 4 images
Copyright: Alessandro Ravagnin
Planet Mars
Image Description and Details : Image of the planet Mars in wich we can observe Syrtis Major (on the left side), Syrtis Minor, Isidis Planitia and Gomer Sinus. On the top of Mars we can see the Planum Boreum. Images was captured through a 255mm f20 Maksutov Rumak telescope at f32 (Barlow lens) + Zwo ASI 224MC Cmos color camera and UV-IR Blocking filter.
Copyright: Francesco Badalotti
planetary tour
Grand tour of the outer planets from my backyard. Shot over the last 12 months with the fabulous Astro Physics 10" f/14.5 Mak-cass telescope and the QHY5III-462C color cmos camera. 37 degrees N. 100 ft el. Seeing can be very good at times.
Copyright: John Gleason
Mars season 2020 and 2021 Perseverance and Ingenuity
Image Description and Details :
My captures of Mars from my site in Afa Corsica (France) with a C8, a C11 and a Mewlon 250 Takahashi Website or Facebook Profile:
Copyright: Pedranghelu Sauveur and Nasa for the Rover
Mars: Progression to opposition
Image Description and Details :
A sequence of 20 images of Mars taken during 8 months that shows the changes of apparent size, ilumination and the southern polar cap of the red planet. From Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.Equipment: Telescope Orion Skyquest XT8 Plus, Equatorial Platform, ZWO ASI120MC & ZWO ASI290MC, ZWO ADC, Celestron X-Cel 3x Barlow Lens.
Copyright: C. Báez
Mars Near Opposition
This map rotation is approximately 13 of Mars's 23.5 hrs rotation.
asi120mc 0SC
Meade 10" Newtonian EQ. Starfinder series
5x Powermate
Copyright: John Cox
Solar System
Image Description and Details :
Records of the Solar System that I performed in 2020With the exception of the Moon and Mars (as they would be too small), the other objects in the image are (approximately) proportional to their actual size.Sky-Watcher 203mm F/5 EQ5 reflector with Onstep, ASI 290MC, UV/IR Cut filter, Barlow Tele Vue 3x (Planets), Thousand Oaks Solar Filter (Sun).
Copyright: Maicon Lopes Nunes
Planetary Imaging 2020
Image Description and Details : The images have been acquired during the period February-October.For Jupiter and Saturn was a challenge since the planets were located about 26° above to the horizon.Setup used:C14 Edge HD Fornax52 mount ASI 178/290 mono Barlow Zeiss Baader filters RGB & IR>807nm IR>610nm UV320-380nm with ADC ZWO.
Copyright Information: Luigi Morrone
2018: The great opposition of Mars during a long and massive dust storm around this planet
Image Description and Details :
During summer 2018 the planet Mars was unfortunately covered by a long and massive dust storm. These images was taken since June 10 to September 29, 2018 through a 255mm F20 Maksutov Rumak telescope + IR Blocking filter + Zwo ASI 224MC CMOS camera and Barlow 2x.
Copyright Information: Francesco Badalotti
Mars Approach 2020
Mars sequence for 2020 so far! Mars has spent the year approaching Earth, it's now closer than it will be for the next decade. Less dust than in 2018, it's more about watching spring headed into summer for Mars' southern hemisphere. Images go from February to the end of September.
All images Celestron C14 & ZWO ASI290MM camera.
Copyright: Andy Casely
Solar System
Captured in a single day
Jupiter and Mars are in color with a 2xBarlow and Venus in UV and Mercury in IR in prime focus (2x enlarged).
Celestron 11" EdgeHD f/10 (f/20 for Mars & Jupiter) ASI290MC AVX mount
Copyright: Eric Sussenbach