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July 2022, 2022 Jason Matter July 2022, 2022 Jason Matter

NGC 6888 and WR 134 widefield [HOO]

Image Description and Details : In the summer months we can capture the wonderful nebulae region in the constellation Cygnus. In this frame the beautiful Crescent nebula and the material from the hot star WR 134 with their surroundings can be seen in full glory. The image is a combination of Ha data and Oiii data. The data was captured from the backyard in the Netherlands. Equipment: - Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO - William Optics Redcat 51 - ZWO ASI294MM PRO bin1x1 - ZWO ASI120MM Mini - ZWO EFW 8 x 31/1.25" - Astronomik 6nm Narrowband filters SHO Acquisition: 13.3 Hours - HA: 80 x 300s - OIII: 80 x 300s

Copyright: Sven van Veen

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July 2021, 2021 Jason Matter July 2021, 2021 Jason Matter

NGC6888 Crescent nebula

Image Description and Details : NGC 6888 captured during multiple nights between 2 and 13 July 2021, with two RC 8" on EQ6 mount and CEM70, two QHYCCD 183M camera and a CFW3 filter wheel equipped with Baader LRGB filters and Optolong LRGB-HA-Oiii fillter.

Multiple exposure time has been used to obtain the best of details, for a total exposure time of about 45 hours.

HAlpha 135x600" -20C bin 1x1aa
Oiii 120x600" -20C bin 1x1
RGB: 30x300" -20C bin 1x1 10s for each filter

Copyright: Acquisition by Giuseppe Amante & Alessandro Pensato.
Pixinsight processing by Giuseppe Amante

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2021, June 2021 Jason Matter 2021, June 2021 Jason Matter

Crescent and Tulip Nebulae Wide field

Image Description and Details : Widefield image of a nebula-dense region in the constellation Cygnus. The image contains the crescent nebula in the top right and the tulip nebula in the lower left.

OIII: 120x300" (10h) bin 1x1
Hɑ: 135x300" (11h 15') bin 1x1
SII: 106x300" (8h 50') bin 1x1
Gain: 111.00; -15C

Total Integration: 30h

Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Lens: Rokinon 135 f/2
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6R Pro

Copyright: Frank Turina

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2021, March 2021 Jason Matter 2021, March 2021 Jason Matter

cygnus mosaic

I have started this imaging project back at 2010. My aim was to make a high resolution mosaic covering the constellation Cygnus. Work like that takes time and patience, especially since I have worked so, that many of the individual sub mosaics or frames have been published as an individual artworks. Here is a poster format presentation about all of longer focal length images used for this mosaic beside wide field panels.

As a result I have now a huge 37 panel (And 58 long focal length sub-panel) mosaic panorama covering 28 x 18 degrees of sky.  I have collected photons way over 600 hours during past ten years for this photo. The full size mosaic image has a size of about 25.000 x 15.000 pixels.

In the orientation image above, there are three large supernova remnants visible, first the Cygnus Shell W63 , bluish ring at upper left quarter, secondly the large SNR G65.3+5.7 at utmost right and finally the third is a brighter SNR, the Veil nebula just outside of field of view at bottom center. (Image is partly overlapping with large mosaic but I didn't want to include it yet due to artistic composition.)Beside three supernova remnants there are two Wolf Rayet stars with outer shell formations. NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula at center of the image and the WR 134, it can be seen as a blue arch just right from the Crescent Nebula, near the Tulip nebula.Next to the Tulip Nebula lays a Black hole Cygnus X-1, it's marked in small closeup image of the Tulip Neula at center right in orientation image above.

There are 37 base panels with shorter focal length tools (300mm f2.8 Tokina and 200mm f1.8 Canon) There is also 59 sub-panels used, they are shot with my old 12" Meade and 11" Celestron Edge scopes.

Copyright: J-p Metsavainio

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2021, March 2021 Jason Matter 2021, March 2021 Jason Matter

NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula

Image Description and Details : I photographed this composite image during July-August 2020 in my private observatory (Russia, Moscow region, Makeikha SQM 20.70 mag./arc sec2; Bortle class 4).Technical Data:Telescope: SkyWatcher Quattro 8SShooting Camera: ZWO Optical ASI 1600-MM COOLEDMounts: SkyWatcher EQ 8 PRO MountTelescope Guides: SkyWatcher EvoGuide 50EDGuide camera: ZWO ASI ZWO 120mm miniFocus Reducers: TeleVue Paracorr Type-2Program: Ivan Ionov Fitstacker · by Christian Buil Iris 5.59 · Fitswork 4 · Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1Filters: Astronomik LRGB 1.25 "the Type IIc · Baader Planetarium OIII 1.25" 8.5nm-CCD · Baader Planetarium H-alpha 1.25" CCD 7 nmFrames:Astronomik B (type 2c): 10x180" -20C bin 1x1Astronomik G (type 2c): 10x180" -20C bin 1x1Astronomik R (type 2c): 10x180" -20C bin 1x1Baader Planetarium H-alpha 1.25" CCD 7 nm: 105x600" -20C bin 1x1Baader Planetarium OIII 1.25" CCD 8.5nm: 60x600" -20C bin 1x1Accumulation: 29.0 hoursDark frames: ~ 15Flat field frames: ~ 15Offset Frames: ~ 15

Copyright: Sviatoslav Lips

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2021, January 2021 Jason Matter 2021, January 2021 Jason Matter

Crescent & Soap Bubble Nebula

Image Description and Details :

Part of the Cygnus constellation, the crescent nebula is located in the immediate vicinity of the star Sadr. Its atypical shape also gave it the name "Euro Sign Nebula" (currency).
On the left is visible the "Soap Bubble nebula", discovered only in 2007 by amateur astronomer Dave Jurasevich.
The image is a composition in the HOO palette, with an exposure time of 37 hours.
Setup DDM60 mount, Moravian G3-16200, Takahashi fsq85.

Copyright Information: Copyright: Emil Pera

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2020 Jason Matter 2020 Jason Matter

Ngc 6888

Image Description and Details : NGC6888, also known as the Crescent Nebula, is a diffuse nebula visible in the southern part of the Swan constellation.

It is located approximately 4,700 light years from the solar system and spans 16 light years in space. It can be identified with a small telescope from good quality skies.

LRGB composition about 16 hours of integration with bin2


RC12GSO on EQ8
G24000 CCD
Astrodon Filter HAO3S2
62x600 Ha
35x600s O3
Processing via Pixinsight / Photoshop

Copyright Information: 3zObservatory - Paolo Zampolini e Giorgio Mazzacurati

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